Oooh, hammock. I love hammocks. I'd better put that on the list of things to look for in the next move.
Multiple people on one budget is hard. DH and I were most successful at budgeting when we were cash only - we kept all our money in a cash box and tracked every penny because that was the only way we could be sure of having enough for rent and whatnot. We're looser now, but we know we can go back to that (probably not keeping a box of cash, but being that careful) if we must.
This is hugely unfair. I did my part of the deal and cleaned the bathroom, then when I went for the Sims, it wasn't in its case. Which means it is somewhere in my room. Which means I
to clean it in order to play.
know you told me about this on the phone once, but what happened? Is it a change in state or federal regulations, or a matter of time allotted for your particular disability, or what? I don't understand how eligibility runs out, if you're still living with your disability.
It's that the long-term insurance company only pays out for psychiatric disabilities for 27 months. So, come July 19th, my time is up. Social Security will continue.
This is so hard, but if anyone can do it, you can.
Thank you. 10 years ago I wouldn't have been able to. I used to be so terrible with money. I think it's why I'm so careful now. I don't ever want to get in that position again.
I did just sit down and figure out my current budget vs. my budget to come. Amazingly, my social security check is going to cover all of my absolute necessities (rent, bills, groceries, car insurance). I've been avoiding working those numbers because I was terrified it wasn't going to work out. And then I didn't know *what* I was going to do. But today I decided sometimes it's better to just know. I'll only have about $100 in disposable income, but hey, that's A LOT better than it could be. I'm so thankful. I was really afraid I was going to have to move back in with my parents or something. And not that I don't love my parents, but I love where I live and being on my own. It really helps me to be able to be and feel independent.
One thing I would like us to do is pay me. But we have to stabilize everything, first. I would like us to pay me something like $50.00/week. I figure if we can auto transfer it to a separate account--one we can't access via the ATM (so like a passbook savings account, or something that requires thought and work before the money is in our hot little hands), it'll be a nice way to sock away some money. I'm sure it'll get tapped into, but not without thought. And if/when Scott gets a raise, or his holiday bonus, I'm going suggest we put a percentage of it in that account.
That's a great idea.
Until I lose my supplement, I'm going to put my "car payment" money into my savings account. Some of that will go to buy my iPod at the end of the semester. But, hopefully there will be a little left over so I can have a little cushion when I lose the supplement.
I just got a pretty firm date on when I'll be moving! Grandma E plans to move the last weekend in April (April 30 & May 1st) so I'll be movng right after that. Probably moving small stuff in through the week and then do the big stuff that next weekend.
Yay! That is very exciting.
Poor Lilty!
That's a dirty trick you've played on yourself, Lilty.
Crap. I don't remember some of my medidation dosages. I know there's a book that has pictures of pills and what they are and what dosage - is there anything like that online?
Try the Physicians Desk Reference (PDR).
I suppose I could call my pharmacy.
Your pharmacy really ought to be able to print you out a list of everything they've ever filled for you. Is it a chain, like CVS or Walgreen's? Because I'm sure the chains can.
Oh, poor Lilty, I hate having to clean in order to the do the thing I was going to do, rather than clean.
askye, your new place sounds great. I'm so happy for you.
I did just sit down and figure out my current budget vs. my budget to come. Amazingly, my social security check is going to cover all of my absolute necessities (rent, bills, groceries, car insurance).
Oh, what a relief!!! I'm so glad for you, vw.
This is a dirty, dirty trick, universe. You win this round.
I've checked the usual possible places, and it's none of them, which means it's somewhere ridiculous where it isn't supposed to be, so real cleaning will be involved. Then the dirty clothes I find will likely be so abundant that I will have to wash some of them to condense the pile and make my room clean.
I cleaned yesterday so I could pull out the beads today.
I need to sit down with our money logs so I can see where the cash goes. and what gets put on the credit cards ( that shouldn't- mostly do to me doing things llike putting the atm card in the wrong place) I would be really happy if I could find 50 dollars to save. Starz - we watch sometime. I decided to keep it - because eventually it gets all the movies - sort the second run theater.
I have some package of premium channels that includes HBO and Starz. Starz does have a good selection of movies - thing I wouldn't rent but am willing to watch if it's just a matter of changing the channel. i gotta have my HBO, beause someday The Sopranos will be on again, and I love Deadwood, and I might have to start watching The Wire.