Things I did today:
- walked for about 1.5 hours with dogs. I do this *all the time* but apparently I won't be doing it again for a while because I have overused some muscle attached to my pubic bone and it hurts. bad.
- talked to parents, grandparents, and neighbors on the phone
- watched about 15 minutes of Safety Canary
- had dinner with new friend and her 8 week old son. Baby was very cute. Friend was fun. I had salad, bread, filet mignon, baked potato, crab cakes, and apple crumble with vanilla ice cream and it all WFG! I haven't had a meal that good in months.
eta: I also read what P-C posted for me about infant HIV, although I haven't commented yet because, as you can see, I had such a full day.
Aimee, how goes it?
It goes well. Emeline is thriving - she was 23 inches, 10 lbs 7 oz at her last appointment on 2/7. She is eating A LOT and sleeping through the night pretty consistently. The trick with her is keeping her on the boob for at least a half hour brfore putting her down. She's pretty happy - only really fusses when she's hungry or dirty. She spits up a lot. We do a lot of laundry.
Personally, I am doing ok. The weight is coming off somewhat quickly - 42 lbs since 11/30, but, not as fast as I wanted. I love love love being a mom and my patience has increased a thousand fold. I find myself not giving outside sources as much power to affect me as I had before. I have realized that above any and everything else, I am a mommy and raising this little girl is the most important job I'll ever have and anything else is secondary. Becoming a mom has really brought home the fact that I need to make a change job/careerwise. I need to find something that makes me feel good - or at least better - about being away from Emeline. I don't much see the point in spending 8+ hours a day away from her if I hate and despise what I do. So, I'll give my current job about another 3 months or so and then, I'm really gonna have to see what else I am qualified for that will be a bit more fulfilling.
MM and I are adjusting our relationship to allow for more patience for each other while we learn how to be parents and are trying to relearn how to be a couple. We have been honest and open about everything but sometimes we get frustrated at not having the "us" we were for 8 years and still not being used to the new "us" having Emeline has created.
The next few weeks after I go back to work are going to be......interesting? Readjusting to the work week is going to be hard. Hopefully, there will be no removing of anyone's head with dull or blunt intruments.
Well, see if I ever pour my heart again.
Stoopid dead thread.
Oh dear, did I slay the thread?
MM and I are adjusting our relationship to allow for more patience for each other while we learn how to be parents and are trying to relearn how to be a couple.
Hey Aimee. I think this is one of the hardest things. We keep having to learn it, anyway. It's good to see you posting. I've missed you, despite not being so present myself lately.
eta: Naw, Thomash, you just spit on the corpse.
And it's time for me to go to bed too... (after diaper changing duty). Night!
Yes. The thread is bleeding out.
t waves to aims and deena! and you too thomash :)
GF and I were supposed to go to Disneyland yesterday and CA Adventure today but it rained and poured and rained again so we didn't go. Instead, we've cleaned our house, gone to the comic store for their 50% off sale (where we scored a Batarang [sp?], a Nightwing maquette, a Green Lantern wall plaque, and several trades), found a good b'fast place near home, and more but I can't think of what. Tuesday is GF's b'day so I'll be cake baking in the next day or so. Her gifts have yet to arrive (fuckers) so we'll see if she actually gets anything on her b'day. Doh! Tomorrow we're going to order our entertainment center, keep cleaning, and WATCH THE L WORD PREMIERE!!!!! Woohoo!
Hope all of y'alls are doing well.