a very young child, not even school-aged yet, I hated and fought sleep because it gave me the creeps to have my consciousness just disappear on me like that. What if sometime it didn't come back?
When I was child of not yet school age, I was fascinated by the loss of consciousness aspect of sleep. Like, when you go to bed you are waiting for something (sleep) to happen, but you will never be aware of the arrival of what you are waiting for. It also seemed to me that when you woke up in the morning, it should seem like no time at all had passed since the time you fell asleep, as you obviously were not conscious of anything that happened while you were asleep (excepting dreams). The fact that this was not true was fascinating to me. I also thought it fascinating that you could have a whole elaborate dream, and experience a whole range of perceptions and emotions, but when you woke up you'd often forget the entire dream. It's like the dream experience made you into a slightly different person, but then that new person was lost when you forgot the dream.
Hey Tommyrot, don't make any plans for dinner on Monday March 21st, okay?
Hey Tommyrot, don't make any plans for dinner on Monday March 21st, okay?
Why? Are the penguin police coming to arrest me? (Sorry, I'm tired and felt the need to say something surreal.)
So you'll be in town (obviously)? Cool!
I will. I should add that part to F2F, shouldn't I? I think the plan is to go to a cajun place. Maybe Aurelia will be along shortly to get more specific.
And magically, I appear!
So... Monday, March 21... we're doing the cajun thing with Lee at Heaven On Seven. Time and which location (downtown vs Wrigleyville) are negotiable.
It's an illooooosion. The IM is quicker than the eye.
In my philosophy, no one has a right to take another person's life for any reason because this life is all a person gets, and taking it away means annihilating them forever.
I love how you put that, Jen. I've heard non-atheists claim that atheists don't value life as much because they don't believe in an immortal soul, but this phrase hits that argument right below the waterline.
What fascinates me about these discussions is that so many different belief systems seem to arrive at similar conclusions (life is precious, we need to take care of this planet, we need to make sure that the downtrodden are protected, etc.) from entirely different starting points.
Coffee and crackers:
The realtor comes on Monday to take pictures of the house. I have today and tomorrow to finish up
of what needs to be done. Things that won't show in photos or that can be discreetly hidden don't have to be done, but there's a lot left to do.
How stressed out am I over the house thing? Let's just say that three out of the past four nights I have woken up at 2 am with an upset tummy and a brain that won't turn off.
Happy Anniversary Kat & Lori!
Happy Birthday Beverly!