You could shuffle them, and pick a cad! Any cad...
I'm hearing this in a very nasal Boston accent. At first, I thought tommyrot did it on purpose.
ita, your explanations and rebuttals make me giggle (in the good way because I truly needed it considering the day I'm having). Though I'd never imply that you make me giggle, because I value my head upon my shoulders. A smart mouth stands no chance against a strong pinky.
So iTunes only downloads to iPods? Will other clients also download to an iPod, i.e. Musicmatch? And what about the music for which I, ahem, seemed to misplace the original CD? Is it condemned to live only on my HD for the rest of its unnatural life?
I don't think Musicmatch works for Macs.
Cad Shark
Cad dealer
Cads: Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em...
Is it condemned to live only on my HD for the rest of its unnatural life?
Depends. I had some which had been downloaded from elsewhere, that got loaded, without issue, into iTunes and is now on my iPod. Also,
Cads: Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em...
Know when to walk away, know when to run...
I don't think it depends at all. Any MP3 can make it out onto your device, with MMJB or iTunes, if the software supports your device.
MMJB also supports the iPod -- it's less simple, but more flexible and less didactic, and its interaction with the iPod less slick.
Stuff you buy from the iTunes store can only be played on an iPod. If you've got a bunch of mp3s then you could use both iTunes and a non-iPod player with that collection, but syncing to the portable player won't be as convienent.
Most of my stuff was imported from CDs. Is the iTunes default format the same as other mp3s?
What's MMJB? Also there were some MP3s that didn't import into iTunes.
Most of my stuff was imported from CDs.
This is not an issue. Fully 99% of all the music on my iPod is ripped from CDs.