Daily Show re-run -- WHY am I the only sane woman? WHY am I the only one who realizes that Alan Cumming is skeevetastic???? If I were blind, I'd like his accent, but he's sooooooooooooo rodent-like oily skeevy!!!!
Only the CRAZY PEOPLE think they are sane, Ms "Nathan Fillion's unattractive."
Sheesh. Alan Cumming's the bomb.
He's a wee elf of a man, and so wonderfully hyper!
While you guys are adoring the man who canonically has
no interest in you whoever,
I shall be luxuriating in the arms of my imaginary Alan Rickman.
Also, he's causing Jon Stewart to seriously lose his shit. Between Cumming, Eric Idle, and Ted Hitler, I don't think the poor man has been able to make it through ten consecutive minutes of his own show with a straight face this week.
eta: Betsy, it's really just an aesthetic appreciation of the pretty. And besides, (a) even if he were oriented toward my gender, I'm still willing to bet my personal chances of gaining his interest would be zero, and (b) I've heard stuff about the canonical Alan Rickman, too, so really it's all a wash and we might as well all just shrug off canon and embrace the fictional, especially when it comes with the pretty and the accents.
Ms "Nathan Fillion's unattractive."
Okay, see, but Nathan Fillion is unnattractive. He's got less than no personality, and weird squinty eyes.
Between Cumming, Eric Idle, and Ted Hitler, I don't think the poor man has been able to make it through ten consecutive minutes of his own show with a straight face this week.
I loved how star-struck he was during the Eric Idle interview. He was right on the edge of going completely fanboy on him the whole time. So cute!
While you guys are adoring the man who canonically has no interest in you whoever, I shall be luxuriating in the arms of my imaginary Alan Rickman.
I don't want to *sleep* with him. I just want to make little burbles over how adorable he is.
I don't want to *sleep* with him. I just want to make little burbles over how adorable he is.
I was just thinking of how to post that. I don't find him, like,
sexually attractive
or anything, just fun and cute!
Oh. Gotcha. He's very burble-worthy.
Sheesh. Alan Cumming's the bomb
He looks like Pee Wee Herman.
I was having a conversation recently about how good I am about putting people in the right boxes in my brain. I'm basically never attracted to other people's partners, gay guys, etc. Even when they are awesome and I love them to death, it doesn't occur to me to want to kiss them.
Edit: Oh, except maybe Rupert Everett.
I don't want to *sleep* with him. I just want to make little burbles over how adorable he is.
I want to do his makeup, dress him up, and go out dancing with him.