funny coincidence, Tom just took the car for windshield replacemend and was very much relieved to find out that it cost us noting with our comprehenisve insurance. Whee!
In other news, if you had leaks from the apartment above so sever that you had plastic buckets catching the water from the ceiling, would you:
a) tell the tenants above
b) tell the landlord in an urgent fashion
c) both a) and b)
or d) nothing at all whatsoever, until the leak got larger so that the first floor neighbor got the leak?
We are the people "above" in this scenario, and our downstairs neighbor chose d) out of the choices above. Argh.
And just like Christmas cards, now everyone expects one.
I don't send out either's a protest, yeah, that's the ticket.
It used to be you gave Valentine's to people you liked.
Well, Fathers' Day came about to balance out Mothers' Day, right? I'm just waiting for Singleton/Yay!Me Day. (Where the appropriate gift to give comes from Blowfish.)
I suspect it's the one Plei was referring to
That's the one.
I found it again after I'd posted.
I've never gotten a romantic Valentine's anything, but I am in possession of some sweet platonic ones. I think the day used to irritate me, but now I barely notice it.
Crap. I just realized that I forgot to send out my Lincoln's Birthday cards.
Oh well. I'll just have to be sure to not forget to send the Shark Week cards....
Not to mention the Tax Day cards.
True Life Ballet Romance for Alibelle (and other schmoop-heads)
I like Valentine's Day just fine. I've had numerous excellent ones (including the one where I lost my virginity - which may account for my fondness). And even the worst one, turned out okay in the end. (Reader, I married her.)
Another vote for Sexy Singleton's Day...
I lost it New Years....actually Auld Lang Syne, I can't go ahead with that. You'll believe me.
Oh Plei, another series of the Newsroom premieres tonight. [link]