Oh, yeah, I didn't mean to upset folks who do have diamonds, just hoping to affect future decisions. My sapphire is set with a (teeny tiny) diamond, and I still wear it. So, I'm right with you.
No worries here -- I adore mine because it's a family piece now with extra added me-and-S history, not because of the kind of stone in it. OTOH, I've said for years that not only do I not like diamonds, I don't even like the whole culture of engagement rings, so if it weren't for this particular ring, I wouldn't be wearing one at all.
(Oh, and Bon: try [link] for friendlier (purely speculative) commitment jewelry. I suspect it's the one Plei was referring to, but I missed it if a link got posted.)
(And to clarify: This is all about my own bizarre and neurotic issues-with-a-capital-ME; nobody else go and feel bad.)
That's interesting. It's the first thing I expected.
Who didn't? Actually, I think it will be considered a success if it gets western companies in charge of the oil. That's a little too cynical perhaps, I do think there are some people in the administration who really were thinking that Iraq would quickly end up a with secular, free-market government.
We don't care. We don't have to care. We're Microsoft.
Is this the party to whom I am speaking?
</'70s TV reference>
Do the Handbook People know it? No. Would they care? Not so much.
They don't need to. They can't be made to see that their way is not the One True Ultimate Right 4Evah!!1!! way.
Yeah, well, the phone company is powerless nowadays, so I updated.
Remember when Woody Allen got a whole gag out of robbing the phone company and everybody applauding? Nowadays it'd be cable, I think.
I forgot it was Valentine's Day until I logged in here. (I'm taking a personal day today, which has nothing to do with Valentine's Day and everything to do with being exhausted and still having swollen, painful neck glands after 10 days of mega-dose antibiotics.)
I don't get why Valentine's Day exists, actually (except for the unholy trifecta of Hallmark/the florist cartel/DeBeers to rake in big bucks). I mean -- a day to celebrate....being a couple? Oooookay. Hooray, en-coupled people!
Makes no sense to me. (Though I will happily eat Valentine's Day chocolate. I'm no fool.)
Dave's not here, man.
(Ok, so most of what I know about the 70s? Second-hand.)
It used to be you gave Valentine's to people you liked. They were like Christmas cards.
(Though I will happily eat Valentine's Day chocolate. I'm no fool.)
They're really cheap if you buy them after the 14th.
Also, I love the Valentine's Day cookies with the pink frosting.
(Though I will happily eat Valentine's Day chocolate. I'm no fool.)
Oh yeah, you think stuff will be on sale tonight already? I am all about half-price post-holiday candy. Christmas, Halloween, V-Day, I'm not picky.