Scientists invent a thingie that can "see into the future."
Tommyrot made my head explode. Not the original article that was linked here which was quite interesting and not head explody, but I followed the link to the Global Consciousness Project, and I was still doing ok, until I proceeded on to some of their pages dealing with the statistical process and analysis, and BAMM brain matter on my monitor.
Very interesting (but messy).
Laundry laundry laundry laundry.
Got all set to do check reorder and discovered a possible problem: the name of my bank has changed since these checks were printed. I'll just suck up and hit a peopled bank. It was annoying enough having to prove I no longer lived in NC when the merger first happened. Why couldn't they send me new checks like they did cards? Wah, first world problem.
I finally got around to dying my hair pink.
I'm going to get the proverbial ripped out of me in work tomorrow.
Is Lee around?
Also, cute puppies! And high ponies!
I've straightened my room, and vacuumed. I need to grocery shop, and do laundry. However, I was considering going to the grove first, instead. Mostly because I want Chinese food, and yummy vegetables from the farmer's market. And I need to return some books to Barnes and Noble. I also have homework. Hmm.
If your local Dairy Queen is closed from November through March, you might live in Ohio.
::light goes on it ita's head::
This doesn't happen in California, does it? Hadn't even occurred to me.
Good morning of teaching this morning. I might be getting the hang of it. People are taking stuff I make up off the top of my head (or 'worse' yet, don't even let get to my head -- my body does something, and I make that the exercise) like it's gospel, including my fellow teacher.
I need to ice my back.
Is Lee around?
Only a little-I am at work, and need to actually work. I will check back in 15 minutes or so though.
You could also send me something at my profile address.
Nevermind Lee, it's okay. I was thinking of going to the grove, which I rarely tell you about, but I've changed my mind, and you can't go anyway. So, it's all good.
Also, it's cold outside. Can someone do something about that?
I read that NASA predicts this will be the hottest summer on record. Does that help?
If your dad's suntan stops at a line curving around the middle of his forehead, you might live in Ohio.
I don't get this one. I assume it has something to do with wearing a baseball cap, but I can't get the visual.
Nevermind Lee, it's okay. I was thinking of going to the grove, which I rarely tell you about, but I've changed my mind, and you can't go anyway. So, it's all good.
Yeah, today isn't a good day for me to do stuff. Maybe next weekend.