If you consider it a sport to gather your food by drilling through 18 inches of ice and sitting there all day hoping that the food will swim by, you might live in Ohio.
If you're proud that your region makes the national news 96 nights each year because Columbus is the coldest spot in the nation, you might live in Ohio.
If your local Dairy Queen is closed from November through March, you might live in Ohio.
If someone in a store offers you assistance, and they don't work there, you might live in Ohio.
I think it is in the style of JF, but it might not be from him, unless he tailored it for an appearance.
Actually, this is similar to the list I read a few years ago IRT Minnesota. Replace Columbus with "International Falls" and you actually have a factual statement....hee.
Alien Facehugger Plush Replica
One of the creepiest concepts in science-fiction horror is transformed into a huggable soft and cuddly killer
I can't remember seeing leather ones in Israel. Maybe it's a USA thing?
I've seen suede ones a lot, but not so many leather.
I've got a bunch of homework to do. I've also got a bit of a stomach bug and really don't feel like doing anything other than lying in bed and sipping apple juice. And I left all my books at my office, so I have to go there to do anything other than just fixing up some LaTaX code, which I do need to do, but that'll take no more than 15 minutes.
My Little Pony was arrested today in a pre-dawn drug raid.
Actually? This would explain quite a lot about MLP.
Did Rainbow Brite and the Care Bears manage to get away?
Yes, the Smurfs drove the getaway car.
Scientists invent a thingie that can "see into the future."
I remain highly skeptical.
They've been at this for 30 years and have yet to publish anything in a decent scientific journal, so skepticism is in order.
Scientists invent a thingie that can "see into the future."
Tommyrot made my head explode. Not the original article that was linked here which was quite interesting and not head explody, but I followed the link to the Global Consciousness Project, and I was still doing ok, until I proceeded on to some of their pages dealing with the statistical process and analysis, and BAMM brain matter on my monitor.
Very interesting (but messy).
Laundry laundry laundry laundry.
Got all set to do check reorder and discovered a possible problem: the name of my bank has changed since these checks were printed. I'll just suck up and hit a peopled bank. It was annoying enough having to prove I no longer lived in NC when the merger first happened. Why couldn't they send me new checks like they did cards? Wah, first world problem.
I finally got around to dying my hair pink.
I'm going to get the proverbial ripped out of me in work tomorrow.
Is Lee around?
Also, cute puppies! And high ponies!
I've straightened my room, and vacuumed. I need to grocery shop, and do laundry. However, I was considering going to the grove first, instead. Mostly because I want Chinese food, and yummy vegetables from the farmer's market. And I need to return some books to Barnes and Noble. I also have homework. Hmm.