It's like, if some channel shows a movie that I already have on tape, I wouldn't pull out the tape and watch, with breaks whenever I want and all, but watch the tv-broadcast, instead.
It's like a "common fire", knowing that more people watch it at the same time, on the same way.
Yes!! This may be part of what seems weird to me about TiVo.
Jesse now thinks I'm pretty.
I already thought you were pretty. Now I'm considering squatting in your house.
Watch a little Homicide, drink a little booze -- you know.
I already thought you were pretty. Now I'm considering squatting in your house.
Oh, as for the squatting thing...
Three bathrooms, Jesse. This ain't New York.
But Jesse, didn't the previous squatter drink up the good scotch?
Oh, thank goodness you posted, Ginger. I was starting to worry I had some bizarro definition of squatting.
FTR: Squatting = living rent free, casually.
Sorry, Jesse.
"Squatting" is living in abandonded buildings, yes. Another sense of the term only occurs to the low minded.
Like me.
I have a low mind! Who knew?
I don't mind that dress.
::makes note for own wedding::
Not for bridesmaids, mind you,
::erases note::
but it makes me smile.
::remakes note, dammit::
Gus is shattering all my illusions. I had imagined him as high-minded and beating off the beatiful women with a baseball bat.