I should go move my car before it gets another ticket. I have 3 unpaid ones (to the university. What are they going to do? Prevent me from getting my transcripts? ) Some people have multiples of 10
at my university, they won't renew your parking pass ifyou have tickets.
Re: Harmonious cat and dog households -
Do Not, no matter how funny it is the first few times, encourage the dog to chase the cat when the cat is being annoying.
Do Not, no matter how funny it is the first few times, encourage the dog to guard the perimeter of the bed from the cat when the cat is being annoying.
Do Not, no matter how funny it is the first few times, encourage the dog to step on the cat when the cat is being annoying.
My $.02. Oh, and congrats, Robin! And good luck!
Anyone have any tips on living in a harmonious cat and dog household?
Amych has both - you should check with her.
at my university, they won't renew your parking pass ifyou have tickets.
They don't issue our passes. I'm not employed by the university. Not a student.
And anyway, they shouldn't ticket me where I am now because it is unmarked. Nearest sign refers the other way and someone just whacked the head off the meter. So technically? I'm good. But the security people can be jerks here. I'd HOPE they are too busy actually being, I dunno, security, considering there was a murder on campus recently. And half the emergency call boxes hang up on you.
go to New Zealand!
Actually, in all seriousness, this sounds like a great idea.
Actually, in all seriousness, this sounds like a great idea.
Yes. Or Japan, for horizon expansion.
Nicole! It's been forever since I posted with you! How are you?
Robin, congrats on the dog. I have no useful info, just that.