I didn't do anything in particular to get the dog and cats to get along. The dog came into the household as a puppy when the cats were full grown, and I think that helped establish the cats as dominant. The dog is never ever ever allowed to chase cats (any cats, not just ours), though he is allowed to bark at strange cats who try to come in our open window. They worked everything else out on their own, and I probably don't know all the subtleties.
Dogs are fun. They require a different kind of attention than cats and they have different rewards
How about Dubrovnik, ita? Or in Greece, Meganisi or Skiros?
Yeah, dog / cat households are a lot more pleasant when the cats are firmly in charge, so whatever you can do to reinforce that... It's not so much that they're benevolent dictators, but they are more hands-off, and dogs don't get so touchy at being bossed around.
Someday I'll make it to New Zealand. Before I retire would be nice.
Nilly!!! I'm busily working (can't you tell?) but I'm good. Any vacation plans this year?
How about Dubrovnik, ita?
How warm is that? I have a theoretical crush on all young Croatian men, so it sounds good. However my horizons are good with not expanding into the cold.
Or in Greece, Meganisi or Skiros?
I've been to a couple of Greek islands already, so it moves lower on my list.
And what everyone says on the cat being boss. Unless the cat is really really really mellow and the dog knows boundries.
Yay for dog getting, Robin. Do you have one picked out yet? If so, we want details, and pictures.
If the cat has claws and/or teeth it doesn't much matter how mellow it is. The dog will learn boundaries.
My sister's mixed dogs and cats in her household with reasonable success. The key for her seems to be getting dogs that are either mellow and cool with cats or young enough to be impressionable. You might want to aim for dog breeds that have relatively low prey drives--I'd avoid terriers. Herding types might try to herd the cats, but as long as they're not trying to eat them that could be hours of entertainment in itself.
Anyone have any tips on living in a harmonious cat and dog household?
My dog was grown and had been living (or had been treated) pretty rough when I got him. He was afraid of my two cats (who were not quite a year old) when I first brought him into the household. Then one day he just up and chased them around a little. After that they have pretty much ignored one another. The cats will occasionally swat at the dog when he gets too near (actually only when he gets too near them sitting on one specific table) and he'll snap a bit at them if they're getting on his nerves. But they also will nap near each other, occasionally actually snuggling together. which equals super cute. And my one cat likes to groom the dog sometimes.
I don't really have tips, I guess. I've been lucky...Except for how the dog sometimes likes to have cat poop treats. That's just nasty. So if you can somehow separate the dog from the litter box that's a good thing.
The radar says it is snowing here.
It isn't. I'm amused by this and hope it continues.