Firefly 4: Also, we can kill you with our brains
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
I am Mr Anonymous in all of this.
Last night all the cancelled Flanners who were at the hotel were shipped by coach to one of the Buffy cast members venues for a private party. Most of the Firefly cast went, too (which I think included people who weren't invited to the actual convention). Although I'm not sure about if they turned up as hey, I'm the other side of the world. But I know some of them will have.
They partied until they got kicked out.
Yeah. There's a hugely long list of awesome people who need to be thanked for doing all this stuff (and that doesn't include me). A lot of people pulled a lot of favours out of their ass, and it paid off big time.
I still hope Boosters rots in corporate hell, though, as I'm feeling strangely vengeful still about what they did.
They were originally going to get paid a lot of money for showing up. I dunno, it's just nice to see people do something when money isn't an issue, you know, especially in Hollywood. Nathan must have been mobbed, though.
It is awfully nice, but it's also more than that. Fans paid what they did for Flanvention II because these actors were going to appear.
Sure, plenty of Browncoats would have bought plane tickets and rented hotel rooms, just to hang with each other. Buffistas do that, yearly, and it's not nearly so pricey.
Forgetting airfare and hotels costs, the stated price of $250 for the Flanvention II pass was just the beginning of the expense. A lot of the Flan II attendees paid BE all sorts of other money into things like cocktail parties, photo ops, etc. that were to take place Flan weekend. I'm talking to one poor woman on LJ, who paid $900 to BE for Flanvention II and related activities. She also has another (total of) $1,200 (not a typo) sunk into two future BE events that now won't come to pass. Her purchases were made more than 120 days ago, so her credit card company won't help her.
The actors aren't one drop at fault for the cancelation, but their promised presence was the motivation for these people to spend the amounts they did. So the actors weren't just being nice, they were very much acknowledging and fulfilling their responsibilities, even though they (too) got cheated. Bravo to them.
Does anyone know of a centralized discussion and planning spot for the ripped off? The woman I'm talking to canceled her flight on Friday, so she didn't even get the soothing balm that was the wonderful Back-Up bash.
Do the active Browncoats have any lawyers among their number, who can at least point people in the right direction, for seeking some sort of refund or damages?
Last night all the cancelled Flanners who were at the hotel were shipped by coach to one of the Buffy cast members venues for a private party.The Buffy cast member's name has already been made public on the OB, which is linked to from Whedonesque, so unless that's misinformation, there's probably little sense in not mentioning it, here. [link] What a goddess.
I read my favorite quote of the evening in the comments to that thread [link]
Oh, I forgot to add. When Ron Glass pulled up for the party, someone was explaining to him how they were volunteers, and without skipping a beat, he said, "I am, too."
Does anyone know of a centralized discussion and planning spot for the ripped off?
Regan, the woman I believe you're talking to, started an LJ community -- BE Victims. I imagine it'll be busier come Monday, once focus turns from salvaging the weekend to making the BE folks pay.
There's also my own Flanvention Helpline - [link]
Although it's a bit out of date with regards to refund information. I'm going to revisit that today for when people get back. The people outside of their credit card's refund limit (in terms of days) are in real trouble and legal action is going to be required I think, but that has to be handled very carefully due to the nature of how Boosters is set up. I don't know what's going to happen on that score - any suggestions welcome.
Also Topic!Cindy, yes, I agree on all counts regarding the actors. Jonathan Woodward really went out of his way - I think he actually paid for things this weekend himself to make them happen.
Claire Kramer deserves flowers and a full house every night at her place. I really want to write about it all, but edits. So many edits. Aiyee.
Regan, the woman I believe you're talking to, started an LJ community -- BE Victims. I imagine it'll be busier come Monday, once focus turns from salvaging the weekend to making the BE folks pay.Heh! Thanks, Monique. I read about that LJ community yesterday, and was in the process of linking Regan to it, when I checked back here one last time. I hope those who lost money can gather in one central spot. I don't know how much of a chance they have, but working together is their best chance.
One thing on their side is the amount of publicity they're receiving.
Claire Kramer deserves flowers and a full house every night at her place. I really want to write about it all, but edits. So many edits. Aiyee.
Oh, I'm so glad you mentioned her name. I've been foot-in-mouthy more than usual lately, so I didn't want to do more than link, but I didn't want to play the whole Glorymort game. Seriously. What she did was just the best. Her bar isn't even set to open for another week.
Although it's a bit out of date with regards to refund information. I'm going to revisit that today for when people get back. The people outside of their credit card's refund limit (in terms of days) are in real trouble and legal action is going to be required I think, but that has to be handled very carefully due to the nature of how Boosters is set up. I don't know what's going to happen on that score - any suggestions welcome.
Kevin, even though Regan already runs the LJ community, I linked your Helpline blog, and recommended that if she didn't have a Whedonesque account, she contact Simon and ask if she could get one to publicize the BE Victims lj there, and that she hit the Ff boards, too.
Also Topic!Cindy, yes, I agree on all counts regarding the actors. Jonathan Woodward really went out of his way - I think he actually paid for things this weekend himself to make them happen.
I know. *sigh* Like I needed to think he was any more adorable.