One thing on their side is the amount of publicity they're receiving.
Firefly 4: Also, we can kill you with our brains
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
Claire Kramer deserves flowers and a full house every night at her place. I really want to write about it all, but edits. So many edits. Aiyee.
Oh, I'm so glad you mentioned her name. I've been foot-in-mouthy more than usual lately, so I didn't want to do more than link, but I didn't want to play the whole Glorymort game. Seriously. What she did was just the best. Her bar isn't even set to open for another week.
Although it's a bit out of date with regards to refund information. I'm going to revisit that today for when people get back. The people outside of their credit card's refund limit (in terms of days) are in real trouble and legal action is going to be required I think, but that has to be handled very carefully due to the nature of how Boosters is set up. I don't know what's going to happen on that score - any suggestions welcome.
Kevin, even though Regan already runs the LJ community, I linked your Helpline blog, and recommended that if she didn't have a Whedonesque account, she contact Simon and ask if she could get one to publicize the BE Victims lj there, and that she hit the Ff boards, too.
Also Topic!Cindy, yes, I agree on all counts regarding the actors. Jonathan Woodward really went out of his way - I think he actually paid for things this weekend himself to make them happen.
I know. *sigh* Like I needed to think he was any more adorable.
The only reason I went for the Buffy-cast-member thing was because I didn't know if they wanted to be credited, is all. There's a few people who asked not to be named when it was all kicking off on Thursday.
Now that it's done we should see to it that they get as much publicity as possible for their business. They basically hosted a cast party and took in 200+ people with little notice. It was a generous thing to do and they deserve something wonderful.
Allyson - agreed. I'm going to try and slashdot the story and mention the restraunt name and all that joy.
The only reason I went for the Buffy-cast-member thing was because I didn't know if they wanted to be credited, is all. There's a few people who asked not to be named when it was all kicking off on Thursday.
Oh, I understood that. It was just already out there. I didn't want you taking the trouble to conceal a secret that wasn't.
Now that it's done we should see to it that they get as much publicity as possible for their business. They basically hosted a cast party and took in 200+ people with little notice. It was a generous thing to do and they deserve something wonderful.Yep! I read the main reason for the secrecy was to guard against crashers (which was very wise, and a good point to consider, given how much stress the planners were under).
What story are you going to Slashdot? You're not planning on pointing to Whedonesque, are you? I think Simon & Co. deserve cheers for taking the brunt of interest in the story, thanks to BE yanking its site offline, but Slashdot would make it even harder to get to Whedonesque.
Which you've likely thought of, but I had to ask.
I've slashdotted Whedonesque a few months ago, and it survived. Uhm, just. Don't worry, I'll probably take the CNet story and the OB links or something. I've also found the website for the restraunt, which hopefully would be okay to link..
Yeah, but Slashdotting coming on the heels of Farking and Fandom_Wanking and the entire fandom already looking to the site for updates out of the need for news and the desire to rubberneck? D-E-D dead. I'm just sayin'. I've already had issues hitting the site this weekend due to all the other things coming into play, much less Slashdot.
Think of the children. And those of us who want to get other updates on the site this weekend.
Well, essays are all about ego so it will be from my perspective, and I was thinking about doing a piece on how the fans tried to rescue the cast and crew with Save Firefly, and how the cast and crew came to rescue the fans with Flan B.
It's made me smile that the fans poured money in to help each other. They raised the same amount we raised for that Variety ad...but in hours, and they did it to help their own. Weeks before Xmas.