ye gods I was hungover that day.
In fact, all that weekend
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
ye gods I was hungover that day.
In fact, all that weekend
Can I not be a Fillionaire even if I do find Nathan attractive?
'Cause, me, not so much with the joining.
just make sure that you don't finish this statement: "Nathan is so hot..." and you'll be safe ;)
How hot is he?
you can't trick me!
ye gods I was hungover that day.
YOU were hungover? No. I was hungover. I think we had fun though. Right?
A Browncoat is anyone who calls themself a Browncoat. If you don't call yourself one, you ain't one.
Well, that, too.
...There's a club for people who find NF attractive? *shifty eyes* It's easier for me to eliminate my competition if they're all gathered in one place.
I think we had fun though. Right?
that's what I heard :P
*** Announcement ***
I'm re-posting this here (and elsewhere -- sorry if you see it multiple times) from the Sunnydale Press thread (handily linked on the front page, your Message Center, etc.), since I think maybe folks who hang out around here don't necessarily read that thread regularly.
First of all, I really want to thank everyone -- regular posters and lurkers alike! -- who has contributed to the running of this board over the years. However, I need to ask everyone again to consider making a gift to the board. Our funds are running low, and we are the only people who can change that.
If just 10% of registered users gave just $10, we'd have enough money to run for over a year. If you've sent me money recently, THANK YOU. If you've never contributed before, please think about throwing in a couple of bucks.
To give via paypal, send it to donations at If you want to mail me a check, you can email me for my address.
Thanks, y'all. We can make this work!
I'm trying to get to Nilly's Firefly Review page, but keep on getting error messages.
FYI, I'm still planning to get Nilly's site back up. First I need to track down Gus and get him to update some of the back end code, though.