Ooh, fuffling.
Also, hey Kev!
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
Ooh, fuffling.
Also, hey Kev!
Hey, Jars! How's life? I grew a beard, shaved a beard, added some weight, lost some weight, had a girl, lost a girl, have a girl, laughed a lot, etc etc.
And how is your partner in crime?
And how is Uni?
And and. And!
Ah, well, I have had no beard, I 'm afraid, so my life is nothing in comparison to yours. I have a boy though, who is enabling my fannishness to no small degree.
And how is your partner in crime?
Can I assume you mean le Nibbler? She's good! Has one less organ now, but apparently it's one you don't really need.
Uni is eating my life and my brain at the moment.
How goes working for the Man? He getting you down?
Organless Le Nibbler! Poor Le Nibbler!
The Man is treating me kind, and paying me well. I am The Man's Willing Slave Bitch.
I am The Man's Willing Slave Bitch.
Glad to hear it.
Passes lube.
More than one lurker has registered in order to subscribe to threads.
raises hand
Also, I supported in email.
Thanks for the lube, Jars.
Apparently there's going to be a spin off from BSG called Caprica later in the year. Zoic will be busy.
Anything flavored "hello" is shiny. HEllO.
My big Firefly love: the spaceship. In fact, when I first heard of Joss Whedon's new series, the title actually, and that it's "about" a spaceship, that alone made me feel all warm and tingly. I love fireflies! I love spaceships! I was ready to love to death the spaceship that was a firefly!
And, boy, it was BEAUTIFUL.
My favorite episode is "Out of gas", and favorite scenes the very last ones, when Mal falls in love with his ship before our eyes. The only time I cried, too. He's dying and saying goodbye to everybody, and then SHE's the last thing he sees... I want a relationship like that.
Kevin, if this kind of thing didn't happen at least once a year I would be very very shocked. It's always nice to see my name dragged through the mud.
The weirdness I find in the situation is this:
The catalyst is the idea from the Serenity marketing that fans made Serenity happen.
So, lots of people think they can get a sequel made via the Interweb.
Which is understandable.
So if you're under that thinking, do you then go and shit on the people who (supposedly*) made the situation in the first place.
(*) I don't mean supposedly in a mocking way of anybody involved in FF: Immediate Assistance. (I actually had a great deal of respect for how that was ran). I just supposedly in the marketing sense.