That would be interesting Kathy. I think Stargate brings up the most religious questions for me. Their insistence that the goa'uld are not gods has always made me wonder just how we define a god and if and how that definition changes as we do. I'm glad I have friends, here and on, to discuss this type of thing with. I may be a weenie, but I don't think I'll try it again in my class. To be fair, I think that the folks in the class would have looked at me funny no matter what kind of tv or movies I was talking about, so their problem probably wasn't just with sci-fi and fantasy, but with serious aspects of non-live entertainment.
'Smile Time'
Firefly 4: Also, we can kill you with our brains
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
The minister as the church where I teach relationship classes organized a viewing of the Matrix. She rented a huge tv and borrowed my dvd. There were actually two different groups. They were so into the discussion we had to kick them out after 5 hours!
I love my church, but I'm more than a little bit jealous right now.
their problem probably wasn't just with sci-fi and fantasy, but with serious aspects of non-live entertainment
Does this sound familiar!! In my mom's eyes, anything that's not West Wing isn't serious, and L&O (which she adores) is just interesting drama with very little added value. I tried to get her to watch "The Body" when it was on TV once while I was at her house, and she just wasn't interested. She loves good dramatic films, but gets hung up on the "it's not reality-based" when it comes to SF/Fantasy. She did enjoy LotR, but didn't see any deeper meaning to it. She rolls her eyes when my godfather and I get into discussing Tolkein (he's a real JRRT geek--has first editions and everything).
gets hung up on the "it's not reality-based" when it comes to SF/Fantasy
I have a friend like that. I will go off on metaphor in SF/Fantasy and exploration of humanity in non-human terms, but she says she just doesn't see it.
I have a friend like that. I will go off on metaphor in SF/Fant
Does she see the cold war politics in the Klingon/Federation dichotomy of ST:TOS? As a kid, all that fancy metaphorical stuff went right over my head, but even I caught this one....
ChiKat!! I must call you soon! It looks like I'll definitely be moving out of Oak Park by the end of March, and we must get together at least once before then.
Does she see the cold war politics in the Klingon/Federation dichotomy of ST:TOS?
She's never seen ST:TOS. She finally saw Star Wars for the very first time over the summer.
ChiKat!! I must call you soon!
It looks like I'll definitely be moving out of Oak Park by the end of March
No!!! The place going condo for sure, then? Any thoughts on where you'll be going?
we must get together at least once before then.
Yes!!! This semester is fairly light school-wise. I'm only taking one class. yay! Work, OTOH, has been kicking my ass lately. Let me know when is good for you (after 2/17 for me because of work crap).
The place going condo for sure, then?
Yeah, two out of the six units in my building alone are already empty, and they're overhauling them to look nice and buffed up for the buyers (too bad they didn't do it for the tenants beforehand--my next door neighbor had a 50-y.o. stove!).
Any thoughts on where you'll be going?
Closer to work--most likely along the Golf Road line, from Evanston to Schaumburg. More choices in Palatine and Schaumburg, but the commute along Lake Cook and Dundee Roads heading west in the evening and east in the morning truly sucks. Evanston would be reverse commute, and Sheridan Road is a decent drive up here (my boss comes up from around Loyola University).
Evanston would be nice. Still has an Oak Park feel to it. If I were to move north, it would probably be there.