The place going condo for sure, then?
Yeah, two out of the six units in my building alone are already empty, and they're overhauling them to look nice and buffed up for the buyers (too bad they didn't do it for the tenants beforehand--my next door neighbor had a 50-y.o. stove!).
Any thoughts on where you'll be going?
Closer to work--most likely along the Golf Road line, from Evanston to Schaumburg. More choices in Palatine and Schaumburg, but the commute along Lake Cook and Dundee Roads heading west in the evening and east in the morning truly sucks. Evanston would be reverse commute, and Sheridan Road is a decent drive up here (my boss comes up from around Loyola University).
Evanston would be nice. Still has an Oak Park feel to it. If I were to move north, it would probably be there.
I'm in Evanston right now AIFG!
Although I'm leaving in a few minutes....
Trying to interest Christians in sf, you might use the word "parable." Sometimes that works, if they reject metaphor and simile.
I suspect their reluctance to accept that sf can be good has very little to do with their being Christian and more to do with... not being into sci-fi. Por ejemplo, my sister is a Methodist pastor, and she's the one who inculcated me into the ways of Star Trek:TOS from before I could talk (much). She and I just recently had a discussion about the Prime Directive that came up as an offshoot of talking about the war. She's also the one who took me to see Star Wars when I was a wee bairn and keeps me supplied with a steady stream of sci-fi and fantasy literature.
Some people dig sci-fi and get in to seeing beyond the implausible situations and enjoy the good meaty stuff. Some don't, whether you try to lure them with the words parable, metaphor, simile... or big damn explosions and pretty, pretty people - they're just not going to bite.
(Edited for spelling and homophone confusion and such)
Christians can take a hike to the Left Coast.
t continues Reign of Evil Posts
Hell if I'm hiking 3,000 miles, buddy. But, you know, have fun with the posting!
I suspect JenP has hit the nail on the head. Poor things.
Hiking may be much, but as a Left Coaster, you're more than welcome to visit. Also, it's
I know, lib. With my non-sci-fi friends and family, I'm all, "But, but.. if you just give it a chance! No, no, really - forget the thing about their being in space and the Cylons being, you know, robots or whatever. Just watch for the story." Or, you know, insert the appropriate FF argument. And yet? They still look at me as if I were one card shy. Brain wiring. There's just no accounting.
ETA: And thank you! Flying to the Left Coast of Fabulosity is definitely on my list.