I think he's using the Costa Rican matchmaking service to finance Season Two. I suspect we'll see some serious product placement. I wonder if they can WB Dude to do one of those spots at the end of each episode:
The whores featured in tonight's episode of Firefly...
I want to write fic about the dude giving Tim notes.
Okay, I was refraining, but my feet hurt and all my reserves are currently tied up in self-pity. Where is this wanky conversation?
There's this dude who claims to be trying to secure the rights to Firefly.
I can see that I'm going to be chuckling about this all afternoon. More power to him, and all that, but....
hee, hee.
eta: Thanks for sharing!
Wow. I think that even beats the guy who tried to convince Save Farscape that he worked for Senator McCain and could get federal legislation passed on our behalf. Or at least federal dollars.
No, I kid you not. I ended up calling McCain's home office and telling them about it.
Wow. I think that even beats the guy who tried to convince Save Farscape that he worked for Senator McCain and could get federal legislation passed on our behalf. Or at least federal dollars.
I'd say it's a toss up. Wow. I just mean...wow.
OK, I've been working on the hugest meara of all time, going back to Sept 30, but I just am not going to get it done.
So, quick thoughts:
The tombstones were Chinese, putting photos of the dearly departed on the grave markers. Since there were about two words of Chinese in the whole movie, I don't know why they went this way. The rocks are a Jewish thing, so I guess it was more of the mixing cultures. Besides, where would they get flowers?
Everyone looked so much older. It made me sad.
Either Morena Baccarin had completely forgotten how to be Inara, or Inara's character was changed on purpose.
I don't care if Simon's agreed to have sex with Kaylee, he's still not straight. But I'm happy for Kaylee.
How does a planet of 30 million people go away and no one notice?
OK, so Miranda has a blue sun. But no mention of Blue Sun Corporation in the movie. Also no hands-of-blue guys (which is fine with me).
Has anyone, like, I dunno, Focus on the Family, gone all Kitten on Joss for killing the happily married straight white man?
The Alliance soldiers, esp at the end after the Reaver Siege, reminded me of Paranoia, the RPG. They looked just like an illustration from that game.
And, since I watched it on DVD, has anyone else seen the outtake of Nathan embroidering his lines at Haven? I laughed so hard I cried. Of course, that was probably partially an emotional release.
The tombstones were Chinese, putting photos of the dearly departed on the grave markers. Since there were about two words of Chinese in the whole movie, I don't know why they went this way. The rocks are a Jewish thing, so I guess it was more of the mixing cultures. Besides, where would they get flowers?
You see this in the US too (and I'm going to go out on a limb and say it is among non-Chinese from the names I'm seeing on the headstones, in a community made up overwhelmingly of people from western Euro descent). I also don't care for that either, but the moving picture quality of it in
took tacky to a whole new level, and took me out of what I think would have been a more emotion-evoking scene (for me). I'm acquainted with the rocks (in fact do this myself). I just thought the scene sucked, when it had so much potential to be great. Thinking it sucked had nothing to do with not being familiar with pictures on headstones or leaving rocks. It just cheapened what could have been a visually stark scene.
I don't care if Simon's agreed to have sex with Kaylee, he's still not straight. But I'm happy for Kaylee.
With loads of time between watcing FF and seeing the film, I thought movie!Simon read totally straight. But he was more appealing regardless of orientation, because he didn't seem so...I don't know...pointless, as he struck me during the series.
How does a planet of 30 million people go away and no one notice?
The Alliance noticed. They were hiding it. Who else would notice? Wasn't the only way there through Reaver territory?
Has anyone, like, I dunno, Focus on the Family, gone all Kitten on Joss for killing the happily married straight white man?
I'm not sure I understand this comment. There's a pretty big Christian constituency of FF/Serenity, fwiw. I've seen plenty of Buffistas (including myself) be disappointed that one half of a healthy, happy, sexy couple was killed off, though. Between his death and Book's, I'm far less interested in seeing more.
And, since I watched it on DVD, has anyone else seen the outtake of Nathan embroidering his lines at Haven? I laughed so hard I cried. Of course, that was probably partially an emotional release.
I watched most of the bonus thingies after I watched the DVD. I can't remember this. Do you remember where it was, Raq?