Time for a delurk, I think.
I have mixed feelings about going to the Chicago advanced screening. It'd be awesome to see the movie NEXT WEEK! But it'd be very difficult for me to get home from there due to lack of a car, plus there's the whole being exhausted the next day thing. Also, I'm thinking I really want to have a big party opening weekend and go see it with all of my friends, especially since I can make it a dual Serenity/birthday party (mine's the 15th). And if I'm going to see it with friends, I think I'd rather be seeing it for the first time.
So right now I'm leaning towards not going. But oh, it's very tempting. It feels like something special, since this kind of thing doesn't happen everyday (well, advanced screenings do, but rarely are they announced beforehand like this).
Two thoughts on the trailer:
The scene where River's kicking ass in the bar. Is it just me, or does it look like she's dancing? I can imagine it coreographed to a jukebox or live band.
Also, someone somewhere (definitely on another board, but possibly also here; I am Scrolly Girl because I have a ton of work to do) commented on the sound in space thing. Maybe this has already been mentioned, but I'm wondering if that was the choice of the trailer editors. Aren't trailers normally edited by the studio, and not the film's producers? I'm really hoping they'll be no sound in space in the actual film, but I can understand if they choose to add sound because that's what movie audiences expect.
Text of Joss's message re: screening: [link]
Pretty funny.
eta: looking at the comments, it looks like most cities are sold out (many sold out quickly).
Looks like Chicago's sold out now, too. Damn.
Looks like Chicago's sold out now, too. Damn.
Crap. I knew I should have gotten more than one. Although it looks like two was the most I could have gotten.
At least Oz got a mention in the msg from Joss.
Hi Joss
(in case he lurks on by)
Hi xnera, it'd be great if they could stick with no sound in space but it might not translate as well to the big screen as the TV. Especially if there is--as the trailer seems to indicate--some major space-based scenes involving lots of booms and whooshes.
Just noticed Book now has a first name according to ImDb.
Yeah, SF is sold out.
Gol-damn the flim-flam rassenfrassen kick kick kick
My 14-year-old daughter was grumpy about the sounds in space, too. I pointed out that the person who did the trailer isn't the person who did sound for the movie.
Since I haven't seen it yet, were there booms and whooshes? The opening shot of the spaceship had sound, but that looked like Serenity entering atmo, so I'd expect sound.
I got a ticket for Chicago!
So did I! The Chicago Browncoats are looking to meet up for dinner before the screening around 7pm (restaraunt still be decided) any Chicagoistas are welcome to join us.
I am going to be so dead at work the next day. Heh.
Re the trailer: Did the ship get a new dock door? In the series it was the same color as the ship (metallic) but in the trailer it appears to be blue.