Oy. This is what I get for posting while drunk.
Anyway, there's no connection to Allyson on THE INSIDE and Allyson on SERENITY except as comparison/contrast.
The passive/agressive comment came from seeing the "I'm tired of the hype" or "Firefly was an abusive boyfriend" (paraphrases) comments when the Firefly movie or fandom commentary on same comes up. These don't criticize the movie per se, but they do kind of piss in the wheaties of anyone psyching themselves up for the movie.
they do kind of piss in the wheaties of anyone psyching themselves up for the movie
I wouldn't let Allyson's relationship to Firefly affect your breakfast food any. Why should it? Her loving The Inside isn't going to help me love it, and her not having an interest in
doesn't mean I'm not terribly looking forward to its opening. Why should it? We're not conjoined at the brain.
She hasn't told
not to like it, or criticised you for being excited has she? Even implicitly?
Here's the thing:
Allyson has as much right to be less-than-completely-enthusiastic about Firefly as, say, Jessica or Burrell does. Her position in the fandom doesn't deprive her of her opinion, nor should it chill her exercise of that opinion.
I've gotten a lot of crap about saying publicly how disappointed I was in Farscape S4, and so did Maayan and others involved in the Save Farscape campaign. I don't care. Just because people know your name doesn't mean you have to wear a muzzle.
Allyson gets to say what she thinks.
piss in the wheaties of anyone psyching themselves up for the movie
I'd say, more, that
Wheaties feel pissed in. Which is fine, we all have our feelings. I've kinda/sorta felt like that upon occassion for various reasons in various threads. I've even thrown guacamole over it once. Once was enough. The thing is, no on is intentionally trying to piss in anyone's anything. We all have our opinions, or lack thereof. There's more than enough room for all of them.
Oy X2. (previous post was before i read the 30 something that came later)
I raised a kerfuffle. I'm sorry. I am SO looking forward to THE INSIDE.
As I said, it was the implicit dissing of SERENITY that was bugging.
Well, I tend to respect Allyson's opinions (even when I don't share them - see also late BUFFY and ANGEL). She just seems to be dismissing SERENITY before the fact.
And praising THE INSIDE in the same capacity, but with a little more inside info. Hence the comparisons. If she's got inside info as to why she's so apathetic about SERENITY, that's a whole other thing, but I missed it if she posted it.
Does that make sense?
I remember getting pissed off at the Beta when people were dissing late Buffy, because it seemed like a lot of posters were saying:
"How can you like this? You are wrong to like this. Here, I will explain why this programme is pony and you will then stop liking it also."
Which struck me as cruel, trying to make someone dislike something the previously liked.
Of course other posters (me included!) do, in fact, have brains of their own.
So, whereas Allyson might well be dissing the film, or more correctly the idea of Firefly as a film, it should really have no impact on those that want to see it. You either think that the concept will fly as a movie or not.
I've no idea. I just hope it does. And will be ther on the opening day with bells on.
The most recent posts aside, the previous tempest in a teacup is precisely why I don't participate much in this forum. Whew! I'm sure you'll excuse me from reading alla that, because I simply lost interest after the third or fourth interpretation.
Apparently, if one posts something that can in any way be construed as even half-glancingly read as negatively hinting at the possibility that someone may or may not have said something not quite satisfactory, then one ends up with a barely sub-nuclear level defense initiative.
Or was that simply special treatment for li'l ole moi? I mean, I know I'm cute'n all, but....
It doesn't seem to matter how much I backfilled, apologized, explained, offered possible alternative readings, stated that this is what I observed, and how this could possibly be a reason for why someone else said something. I tried to adequately cover my ass, I really did - I may have mentioned once or twice how I really didn't want to appear to be ragging on anybody (I paraphrase, naturally) . Now, well, I'm kind of glad some people got their panties all wadded.
For crying out loud! Of the things I said, the word, "worship" seemed to have caused the most offense? Pleeeze. Nothin' wrong with a little hypberbole. And if one cannot see that for what it is, and understand that I am, indeed, an intelligent human being with mad vocabulary skillz, then, well, c'est, as they say, la vie.
I mean, seriously, I could've gone into a long, paragraphical interpretation of this thread and what it means to me, but it seemed, somehow, easier to shorten that to "worship." I see now the error of my mistake.
While I'm on the subject, does anyone comprehend how disengenuous the denial of any type of fan-like enthusiasm is in this particular forum? Anyone? 'Cause participating in a forum that gets its name from, well, Buffy, kind of indicates at least a mild interest, wouldn't that be correct? Wouldn't it be a little silly, not to mention masochistic, to participate in a forum that advertises in the name the presumed interests of the participants, if one were entirely and militantly against these productions?
I ask merely for information.
It doesn't matter if it's high-minded philosophy y'all are discussing, or merely partying hard and getting down. It is the general assumption that folks're here because of a shared interest in one or another Mutant Enemy production.
Yes? No?
While it may seem to others that I'm completely ignorant, unable to walk my way through the thread list and comprehend what each thread entails and the putative subject matter, I feel I must assure people that, in fact, I do understand that there are specific threads for discussing specific things, side-chat and thread drift notwithstanding. Which would be why I offered an explanation as to how it could seem to some that posting even offhandedly anti comments about Serenity in this thread might seem remotely unseemly, and why some might be curious as to the reasons that might occur.
All that being said, I hope everyone else enjoyed this hoo-ha as much as I did. It's been a laff riot! ;-D