Oh. Dear. I have a professor that puts smiley faces on papers when grading. Not only does she use smiley faces, though. She also uses sad faces with tears running down the cheeks.
I'm scared. Very, very scared. I don't suppose I should expect much helpful feedback on my writing from her, should I?
:(I wouldn't. But I'm callous and strange. :)
Hec, not impugning Buck...it's just another Brit country obsession thing.
I have a professor that puts smiley faces on papers when grading.
Be afraid. Be very afraid. If she starts writing "lol" all the time, you might want to reconsider the course.
I did once know a person who seemed otherwise sane who dotted her i's with little hearts.
What values of "sane" do you work with, tommy?
If she starts writing "lol" all the time, you might want to reconsider the course.
It's too late. Add/Drop deadline was last Wednesday. I am no longer one bit concerned about the course, though (although, I hadn't been very concerned about it to begin with...she seemed pretty easy from the get-go). I'm gonna breeze through that research paper. Hopefully it'll get me another smiley face, and no crying faces.
I did once know a person who seemed otherwise sane who dotted her i's with little hearts.
I had a teacher in high school who used stickers on the "A" papers.
The state of Rhode Island puts smiley faces on its tax return forms. There's a smiley face next to the "amount refunded to you" line on the form, and a frowny face next to the "amount you owe" line, just in case you were otherwise unaware of what each meant.