Mom has this patchwork quilt top made with very 60s/early 70s looking fabrics -- she's had it forever and I never knew where she got.
Turns out she made it from scraps of material she had used to make her clothes. She's going to finish the quilt at some point and give it to me.
She made a lot of our clothes when we were younger, but I don't think many of those were saved.
The sugar thing definitely can get way too far. Someone brought Krispy Kremes to work yesterday. The last donut standing was a glazed donut with chocolate frosting and red and pink sprinkles. Nobody took the whole thing, either. People just sliced chunks off of it. I took the penultimate piece just to say I'd tried it. It was donut-flavored sugar that had been waved at a chocolate bar.
Honestly though, it is the thought of going blind that makes it easy ( easyish)
This is one of my prime motivators. Second? Losing the feet. Brrrrrrr.
The sugar thing definitely can get way too far. Someone brought Krispy Kremes to work yesterday. The last donut standing was a glazed donut with chocolate frosting and red and pink sprinkles. Nobody took the whole thing, either. People just sliced chunks off of it. I took the penultimate piece just to say I'd tried it. It was donut-flavored sugar that had been waved at a chocolate bar.
Y'know, I like the Krispy Kreme donuts, Dunkin Donuts were pretty good too; but now that I'm home, nothing still comes close to a still-warm unglazed, unfilled, cinnamon-sugar donut-with-a-hole-in-it from Donut King. Or that place just up the escalators in Woden Plaza.
I just skipped like 960 posts! How are you guys? I've been traveling and very busy at work so no time for Internet fun :(
Due to my incredibly low post count, not sure I count as one of "you guys," but as no one else is answering: I'm great. Drunk and a bit bored, thus the computer-time, but otherwise great.
I'm up. I'm up. Need coffee. Need to finish my final exam for one of my incompletes. Need to wake up a bit.
I'm up but not yet active. I need to do a bit more painting, but not as much as yesterday, thank goodness.