The sugar thing definitely can get way too far. Someone brought Krispy Kremes to work yesterday. The last donut standing was a glazed donut with chocolate frosting and red and pink sprinkles. Nobody took the whole thing, either. People just sliced chunks off of it. I took the penultimate piece just to say I'd tried it. It was donut-flavored sugar that had been waved at a chocolate bar.
Y'know, I like the Krispy Kreme donuts, Dunkin Donuts were pretty good too; but now that I'm home, nothing still comes close to a still-warm unglazed, unfilled, cinnamon-sugar donut-with-a-hole-in-it from Donut King. Or that place just up the escalators in Woden Plaza.
I just skipped like 960 posts! How are you guys? I've been traveling and very busy at work so no time for Internet fun :(
Due to my incredibly low post count, not sure I count as one of "you guys," but as no one else is answering: I'm great. Drunk and a bit bored, thus the computer-time, but otherwise great.
I'm up. I'm up. Need coffee. Need to finish my final exam for one of my incompletes. Need to wake up a bit.
I'm up but not yet active. I need to do a bit more painting, but not as much as yesterday, thank goodness.
I'm up. I have to get in the shower in a few minutes. I have an appointment in an hour.
I have a headache that would kill a small animal.
{{{Kristin}}} I hope the headache gets better, and soon.
Good luck with the painting, Anne!
I have a headache that would kill a small animal.
I am now imagining a diagram showing how this would work. It has the following explanatory labels:
a) Small animal
b) Kristin's head
c) Wall
d) Trudy shouting "AAAGHH! POSSUM!!"
billytea, bwah!
I am having m&ms mint ice cream for breakfast with my coffee. Some days I love being an adult.