I wanted to report that I managed a trip to Target without a list and only spent $30. That's pretty damned amazing.
You're a stronger woman than I, Val.
DH and I are looking at an apartment tonight that's within walking distance of NYC's only Target. It could be a VERY dangerous move.
Betsy, I sent that dress link to my friend whose wedding I'm going to be in, and we both agree that it's perfect. Forget having a dress with a butt-bow, this dress IS the butt-bow!
how are things going with the bridesmaid dress choosing, Oh Bitca With a Clipboard?
hey, that practically rhymes!
way to go on the Target spending, vw! Do you go to the Somerville Target or one of the suburbans?
vw, you are a stronger girl than I. I almost never make it out of Target for under fifty bucks.
I pretty much know that $100 is down the tube the second I walk into Target. This was a pretty amazing trip. That's why I had to share.
She's not the only one.
Hey, Anne, I'm so glad that you've been able to make a decision. I'm sending you much ~ma, and will continue to.
Things are going much better -- the Actual Trying On Of Dresses was extremely helpful. We're on much more of the same wavelength. (There's a taffeta wrap dress by Lazaro that I just adore, but price may be an issue, so I'm going to hit the department stores sometime this month and see if I can find something similar that's not priced as bridesmaidwear.)
Do you go to the Somerville Target or one of the suburbans?
Today I went to Somerville, just 'cause it was most convenient with the other errands I had to run. A lot of the time, though, I go to Watertown. I like that one better. I think this is the first time I've gone to the one in Somerville and not gotten lost.
I pretty much know that $100 is down the tube the second I walk into Target
This is me, with Costco. Hmmm, need a bad of dry cat food - oooooh! Ninety-pack of applesauce! Fifty pounds of angel hair pasta! And who doesn't need batteries for things?
Whaddya mean, $246.53?!?!?!? For CAT FOOD?!?!?
I'm hoping that PCA uses Raiser's Edge, because my knowledge of that could be a point in my favor. But I'm hoping that since it was a fundraising database at all it could make me stand out a little.
Knowledge of RE will be a HUGE point in your favor. Good luck!