Morning, all! Second Saturday in a row I am up before 10.
The world is trembling on its axis.
I had the delightful experience this week of teaching with the flu this week. Eww. OTOH, I only stayed home sick one day, and dragged mt sad ass in yesterday, which is kinda a major milestone for depressy ol- me, who usually uses a hangnail to justify a 3 day stinit in bed.
So, yeah me. It's sad, but I really am proud of myself for this.
Started Romeo and Juliet this week. Showed the Luhrmann movie first; it was hilarious, watching the kids watch it.
The sun is out here! It is so bright, the orb; it hurts me poor cave-dweller eyes, it's been so long. I am pallid and damp from lack of exposure to sunlight, like a startled mushroom.
Hey, Erin, there was no
this week.
It's sad, but I really am proud of myself for this.
It's something to be proud over...don't think it's sad. I know what a big deal that kind of stuff is.
I'm eating chips and salsa for breakfast...with my coffee. This is an interesting combo.
OH! That explains the no torrent then! I'm bizarrely happy to hear this!
Yeah, Erin it wasn't on, 'cause of the SotU.
Well, there are proa and cons to no TV unless I actually go and get it.
Bush TV appearances raise my blood pressure and make me foam at the mouth.
It is so bright, the orb; it hurts me poor cave-dweller eyes, it's been so long. I am pallid and damp from lack of exposure to sunlight, like a startled mushroom.
Erin, I must must tag this. Please? Pretty please?
Thank you! It's 50 degrees and sunny today, and I'm baffled.
It's supposed to be 60 today, and I'm fucking ecstatic. I may go out and just sit naked on a giant piece of aluminum foil, I'm so starved for sun.