I only know it's a leisurely thing. Matt the Bruins fan had a little absinthe party at the DC F2F and it was way too leisurely for me; I had to leave to go check out some more museums before I ran out of days and hours. That might have been the night of the 'till-midnight monument-viewing; not sure.
eta: 'cause I can spell
Mmmm... Don't really care for black licorice, which has aniseed in it, right? I might be willing to at least try it.
Is that licoricey, because I really do enjoy that.
Don't really care for black licorice, which has aniseed in it, right?
Yes. Anise is the main flavoring for licorice.
licorice is good for your stomach, as in, natural aid for ulcers and such.
Wow, I'm still not hungry and still feel like I could supply the power to a very small power plant. This is why people take methamphetamines to lose weigh, hmmm.
I'm seeing Firesign Theater tonight - a first. That should make me laugh, right? Good energy-burner, laughing.
Nice pictures, Jilli! I remember seeing that silvery web fabric and the store and thought it was pretty.
On a side note, in class the other night we were talking about different social groups in high schools. I said goths and our teacher said that goths aren't really around any more in high schools. Is that true??
I said goths and our teacher said that goths aren't really around any more in high schools. Is that true??
I wouldn't say so. I know a lot of high school-age goths that have applied to the Goth Royalty or Heirs to the Throne LJ communities that I'm on, and I see babygoths all the time when I'm out and about.
I said goths and our teacher said that goths aren't really around any more in high schools. Is that true??
Judging by the number of gothy dressed people at the roller derby the other night, I'd say no, there's still plenty of them around.