I said goths and our teacher said that goths aren't really around any more in high schools. Is that true??
I wouldn't say so. I know a lot of high school-age goths that have applied to the Goth Royalty or Heirs to the Throne LJ communities that I'm on, and I see babygoths all the time when I'm out and about.
I said goths and our teacher said that goths aren't really around any more in high schools. Is that true??
Judging by the number of gothy dressed people at the roller derby the other night, I'd say no, there's still plenty of them around.
I do too. They nod at me when I wear my Goth-inspired outfits. They seem to like the experiments and feel for me when I get "What kind of costume is that?"
smooching Daniel like a smooching thing to take my mind off cool!scary!school news.
Nothing to see. Move it along.
I am now in the giddy excited stage.
We seem to have stopped all conversation.
Um.... hey, did you see on Mythbusters where they built a trebuchet out of a cherry picker crane?
Hee. Schmoop!
I see babygoths all the time when I'm out and about.
I just love the term babygoths. When I went into Hot Topic to buy my 16 year-old BiL a t-shirt for Christmas, the young salesgirl there was SO FREAKIN' Cute. Lots of gorgeous tatoos. A wee nose ring. I wanted to tell her how cute she was but I didn't want her to think I was a big old freak.
We have a gothboy in one of the departments at work. He's all in black with black wristbands, black hat, long black ponytail. I just kinda go AWWW when I see him.