Tide Free has been better for me, although All is okay. As DebetEsse says, you could just use one box of the Tide and see if it helps.
Soap can be really tricky too. A surprising number of people are allergic to Ivory, for example. I stick with Dr. Bronner's.
Susan, it really sounds fungal. I only say that because I've had the same thing, and the only thing that made it go away for good? Tea Tree oil.
I've got tea tree oil in the medicine cabinet--I've used it on zits in the past. Which just gives me one other thing to be tempted to use now and not wait till Monday, because this shit ITCHES.
would using the tea tree oil be at cross purposes with your doctor's visit? I'd use it, and then tell the doctor that you did, and what the results were. It may help her to rule stuff out, even.
Susan, you just put a little on a cotton ball and dab it on the affected area. It should itch much less w/in 15-30 minutes.
would using the tea tree oil be at cross purposes with your doctor's visit?
She told me not to treat it, because the prescription antifungal/steroid cream my NP gave me was healing the outbreaks so quickly that by the time I got in, the rash was nearly gone and she couldn't judge what it was. (She doesn't think it's fungal, because she can't think where someone like me would've picked up something like ringworm--I still think my NP was right and it was. I mean, this stuff first appeared not too long after Annabel's birth, which IMO makes it not beyond the realm of possibility I picked it up at the hospital, and that it was able to gain a foothold then because my immune system kinda sucked for a few months there.)
She doesn't think it's fungal, because she can't think where someone like me would've picked up something like ringworm
Could it be a topical yeast infection? I've had 'em. They suck.
Could it be a topical yeast infection? I've had 'em. They suck.
Possibly. You'd think I'd have a regular yeast infection to go along with it, though, and I haven't.
Could it be a topical yeast infection? I've had 'em. They suck.
See, that's what I was thinking.
Possibly. You'd think I'd have a regular yeast infection to go along with it, though,
Not necessarily.