How do you find out the date.
Mine's easy cause it was the day Tim announced the WF cancellation.
For you, I would suggest threadsucking Bureaucracy for your name, because you put in a name-change request almost immediately, right? So whatever day that was should be your Buffistaversary.
I'd join the wallowing, but I don't really have anything to wallow over. I'm just crabby 'cause this weird sleeping schedule is finally catching up with me.
I need entertaining for the next 90 minutes. I've got a class at 12:30pm that I need to stay on campus for, but right now, I really just want to go home. I've got cramps and I'm tired and I'm crabby.
I remember because I joined up a day or so after Chicago F2f.
For you, I would suggest threadsucking Bureaucracy for your name, because you put in a name-change request almost immediately, right? So whatever day that was should be your Buffistaversary.
I found it. September 24, 2004
I'm also cranky, but I have no excuse at all. The worst thing I can come up with is I have the wrong shade of lipstick with me.
I will have a donut now for all my wallowing sisters.
Just sent my taxes out. 600 bucks from the state, and if the Feds are reasonable, 400 from them. Hubby's got an outstanding student loan (his bitch of an ex-wife's, which she signed over to him before the divorce many moons ago) that generally snags the federal refund. He made $35 last year, though, so we'll see what the Feds have to say.
The student loan collectors are wretched people. A few years ago we tried to work out something with them, but all they did was say, "If you don't pay this off within X amount of time we'll garnish your wages." Hubby just said, "Go ahead, I know there's a limit to how much you can garnish. I was going to pay you more than that anyway." Then, when he started being unable to work, they said, "We'll garnish your wife's wages if you don't pay up." "You can't do that, because her name's not on the debt. I didn't even know her at the time." "We can do that anyway, give us money." "That's extortion, and if you try it we're getting a lawyer." Not a peep out of them since.
How do people who work for collections agencies live with themselves?
I'm like, habitually cranky, but not today.(I got a compliment last night that still makes me all glowy and feel talented and foamy. Still.)
I wandered this way because of Firefly, but I lurked a while before I joined. I initially only registered to get the "Read New" function. Then I'd risk an occasional post, then go back to my cave and hide for a while longer.
Nora, you've been piled on by annoying and depressing things and you're not looking forward to the weekend. It's a recipe for feeling bad. I hope the weekend goes as well as possible.
{{{vw}}} I hope you can start sleeping better soon. That was my problem with all antidepressants I've tried. Some did some good, but the choice was always between more cheerful and ever sleeping again.
but the choice was always between more cheerful and ever sleeping again.
Both when I started the medication and when we raised the dosage the first time, it took about a week for the sleeping to chill out. So, soon I should be back to normal. I think I may have slept through the night last night, except that Toto decided to start barking at 2am when Not!Emily Roommate and his girlfriend came home. I got up to make sure we weren't being robbed and tried to get back to sleep, but was awake for over an hour, then finally decided to take more sleeping meds. It's just frustrating.
Back from the gym. I can't feel my arms. I have no arms!