How do you find out the date.
If you know roughly when it was, and what thread, you can threadsuck (or download archived threads) and do a "find" in your browser for the first occurence of your name.
If your first post was in Natter or Bitches, you might have to download a number of threads before you find the right one.
I have a small cloud of mess-things-up-foo over my head. Small because it's just little things, but they're enough to make me grumble. Things like 1 extra page in the final laid-out article, which fucks up the page count of the overall journal. Things like Apple not shipping my iBook on time.
Minor stuff. But combined with cramps and a sinus infection that doesn't look like it wants to go away even in the face of massive antibiotics -- well, I grumble.
NO BRACKETS, PLEASE. I want to wallow in my grumbliness.
I want to wallow in my grumbliness.
Heh. wallow for me too!
Wait, I'm already wallowing enough.
Sorry about your suck day. It's the little things that make ya feel like you're being pecked to death.
I want to wallow in my grumbliness
"Oh, look, there's some lovely filth over there!"
"Old man!"
Sorry, the word "wallow" just summons up
Holy Grail
for me.
Whoever slowed time down today needs to turn it back up to its proper speed right now.
This morning is going all right, but I'm dreading the time from noon until 5pm. Here's what I have to look forward to in that time frame, besides leaving work: filing. I hate filing with a passion. I would be ecstatic if I never had to file a piece of paper again.
On the upside, it's payday, so I have the money to buy the Wonderfalls DVDs and watch them all weekend as I internally urge my sinus infection to succumb to the drugs and getoutgetoutGETOUT.
I would like to join in the wallowing, but I have my review today, so I must go be proactive and shit. At least I know what I got - a 3 out of 5, which is where most people land. Go Team Average!
How do you find out the date.
Mine's easy cause it was the day Tim announced the WF cancellation.
For you, I would suggest threadsucking Bureaucracy for your name, because you put in a name-change request almost immediately, right? So whatever day that was should be your Buffistaversary.
I'd join the wallowing, but I don't really have anything to wallow over. I'm just crabby 'cause this weird sleeping schedule is finally catching up with me.
I need entertaining for the next 90 minutes. I've got a class at 12:30pm that I need to stay on campus for, but right now, I really just want to go home. I've got cramps and I'm tired and I'm crabby.
I remember because I joined up a day or so after Chicago F2f.