Timelies. I have worked a million hours today and into the night, but wanted to peek in before bed and say yay Askye on the house, and vw on school; sorry about the water situation. {{{Nora}}} sorry about the asstassticness of the day. And finally, Kara made up a knock knock joke today.
Knock knock
Who's there?
The bear
The bear who?
The bear who goes anywhere he wants to!
Goodnight lovelies. I hope your night is restful and tomorrow is full of peace and blessings.
Ginger, I'm in Atlanta a few times a year, give or take. Most of the time it's for hockey. The next time is the 11th-13th of March for Districts. I don't know how much free time I'll have, but you could come watch a game if you're so inclined.
edit: {{{Nora}}} Losing someone tragically sucks. I hope to never experience that again. Much love and peace to you, my dear.
Ginger, I'm in Atlanta a few times a year, give or take. Most of the time it's for hockey.
I've never actually seen a hockey game in person.
Sorry. I had to put laundry in the dryer. We leave for Charleston SC in the morning and I had no underwear.
I've never actually seen a hockey game in person.
This isn't the NHL by any stretch of the imagination, but it's fun. 14-16 year old boys from MD will be trying to advance to Nationals, and I'll be trying to avoid the parents from hell. Some of them think their children are better than they actually are, and it's insufferable. I'm not used to it; for the past 5 years, the parents have been terrific.
(((Nora))) I don't even know what happened to make this day crap all over you, but I am vibing hard for it to go the hell away and let you wake up to a Friday that is golden.
I recognized Lyra's tag right away. Spoken by Krakow, bitterly, while riding his dirtbike in angry little circles around Angela, IIRC, as she changes in the bushes and slounges on the sidewalk waiting for Rayanne to pick her up for their illicit trip to Let's Bolt. And I haven't even seen it in, like, two years.
My circadian rhythm, out of step. Stupid different drummer getting me all confuzzled. Wide awake. In a few hours though, sleeping like a baby.
My shrink takes great notes and has an amazing memory. When he’s filling out forms, though, he’ll sometimes just ask me for the list of meds I’ve been on.
I changed doctors a few times and I really really really should have kept a list. I think I meant to make one at some point. It would only help me.
“Have you looked at the list of drugs we’ve tried? They have to cover it. There’s not much left for you to try!” And he was right. They did.
This is still great news, vw. Makes me happy.
I changed doctors a few times and I really really really should have kept a list. I think I meant to make one at some point. It would only help me.
I'm so out of step with what's happened in my treatment. My memory is so terrible. I had to fill out some paperwork for Social Security at the beginning of January, and I couldn't come up with the dates of my hospitalizations in the last two years. I had to request discharge summaries from both hospitals so I had the dates. So, as a New Year's Resolution, I started a new LiveJournal where I write detailed reports of each of my appointments. I think it'll really help. Plus, since my memory is so bad, it's a tracking device for me, so I can see my improvement. Sometimes it's hard to see...
This is still great news, vw. Makes me happy.
Thank you. And I hope you got some sleep, girl.
Timelies everyone! I've got a few pieces of homework to finish up before I hopefully jump in the shower (I say hopefully, 'cause I"m hoping it's got decent water pressure again).