I'm getting my hair cut on Thursday. The cut that I just got didn't last, my hair is now too long to style it like I first did. I want short spiky hair again. I miss it. And several people have work commented on how it suited me.
So I'm trying out my cousin's stylist.
Rental insurance is insanely inexpensive considering how much money they'll give you if all your stuff gets stolen--it's worth it to have enough coverage.
And especially considering how screwed you are if you don't have it.
I had a friend in Atlanta whose house burned down the week after they moved in - electrical stuff, not their fault - but hadn't gotten coverage yet. Lost virtually everything. She went through this kind of insane period for about six months after where she would pimp it to everyone she met - writing Get Renters' Insurance! on the back of restaurant checks and such.
makes a note to get rental insurance when I move
Heather do you concentrate better in silence in other scenarios? Have you ever hushed anyone to stop them distracting you, or turned off the TV?
When she gets a little older, she's gonna go through a spin around and get dizzy phase.
We're supposed to grow out of this one?
t heart
ETA: Regarding the seeing/hearing thing, it is essential for me due to the ADHD. I have a hard enough time filtering out extraneous noise without not being able to see the person I'm trying to hear. It's why I always sit towards the front of the room if I'm in a meeting or class where I need to pay attention.
OK, a radio station that gives me Golden Earring, Billy Idol, Melissa Etheridge, and Quiet Riot in the same set is worth leaving tuned in.
hm, anyone have experience in getting rental insurance? We're trying to figure out how much we need, and we are trying to decide between 25K and 50K.
I'd definitely get the larger amount, Nora. You don't realize how much your stuff adds up to.
We can't have renter's insurance. Apparently, in MA insurance companies won't rent to students. I call every month or so to see if it's changed, but so far nothing. It freaks me out SO much, especially since a building a block from here burned a couple of months ago.
stumbles into thread
If I can't manage to fall asleep before 4AM tonight, I'm going to cry.
So! How's folks? I sleepily skipped.