Teppy, whenever you are around. There is a writer, Mary Gordon, on Fresh Air in the first hour. I didn't get to hear most of the interview because I was out running an errand, but in the part I heard she talked about women and the relationship between self-adornment and self-loathing. She said a lot of the things we've discussed here- adornment as play, feeling (Gordon does anyway) that denying yourself the pleasure of adornment is a form of self-loathing, and that she feels more comfortable when she's dressing up a part of herself that she likes.
Anyway, I thought you might be interested in it.
I'm naughty. NAUGHTY!
Well, this is the thread for it.
You say that like it's a bad thing...
I claim my throne as the queen of the uggles.
And Lilty, so wish I could go! But F2f this year would involve my winning a huge sum of money and stopping time. Can't even think about it. Drat!
Teppy, whenever you are around. There is a writer, Mary Gordon, on Fresh Air in the first hour. I didn't get to hear most of the interview because I was out running an errand, but in the part I heard she talked about women and the relationship between self-adornment and self-loathing. She said a lot of the things we've discussed here- adornment as play, feeling (Gordon does anyway) that denying yourself the pleasure of adornment is a form of self-loathing, and that she feels more comfortable when she's dressing up a part of herself that she likes.
Thanks, Heather! I'm going to stick a Post-It on my monitor right now so I remember.
I claim my throne as the queen of the uggles.
That would be painful to wear, because people would keep trying to kill it.
Kristin has a new tag, and I am full of pizza.
Alas, I have not yet eaten. Hungry now.