Teppy, whenever you are around. There is a writer, Mary Gordon, on Fresh Air in the first hour. I didn't get to hear most of the interview because I was out running an errand, but in the part I heard she talked about women and the relationship between self-adornment and self-loathing. She said a lot of the things we've discussed here- adornment as play, feeling (Gordon does anyway) that denying yourself the pleasure of adornment is a form of self-loathing, and that she feels more comfortable when she's dressing up a part of herself that she likes.
Thanks, Heather! I'm going to stick a Post-It on my monitor right now so I remember.
I claim my throne as the queen of the uggles.
That would be painful to wear, because people would keep trying to kill it.
Kristin has a new tag, and I am full of pizza.
Alas, I have not yet eaten. Hungry now.
Guh. I'm full. I forgot that when there's a catered event everyone decends like locusts on to the leftover food. The poor caterers, they had to start defending their leftovers from the mob. But cheesecake and strawberries (sliced and whole) plus fresh fruit garnishes and sandwich meat, quiche, and other assorted goodies. I swear as a group we could strip a buffet clean in 60 seconds.
I have eaten. I just haven't woken up yet. Since it's almost 2, this is becoming a problem. I slept well last night. That was so unusual that I think my body wants to just keep sleeping.
My supervisor is out, my coworkers are busy all I want to do is slack off....if I didn't have a visable desk I'd cap off the afternoon with a few rounds of cat stacking.
I just had the craziest catered lunch. I feel so bad for askye, as I am so full and she is starving. January is a fun time for event planners here - I remember when I started at this time last year it was the same way... all the different caterers and hotels have recovered from the holidays and are ready to try to woo for business for the upcoming year. Also, this is usually when catering plans are made (or solidified) for summer events.
To sum up: much free food and being schmoozed.
Now I have a lot to do and all I want to do is nap.
Susan, your plan seems to be a solid one.
Also, this evening I'm calling about the place I want to rent. I was going to wait until tomorrow (because the people were out of town all week) but I can't. I shouldn't have been thinking about this place, but I couldn't help that either. When I was out at Wal Mart and Marshall's yesterday I kept day dreaming about what I could buy and where I could put it and all the pretties I'll have a place for soon.
Most importantly a place for books and I won't feel like I have to cull them out and get rid of them. Also thanks to ebay and half.com I don't feel the need to cull books to trade at the used book store. I look at all your posts about the number of bookshelves and how many books y'all have and I could have that much...if my books didn't have to live half in closet at Mom's.
The poor caterers, they had to start defending their leftovers from the mob. But cheesecake and strawberries (sliced and whole) plus fresh fruit garnishes and sandwich meat, quiche, and other assorted goodies
Heh, I don't feel bad for askye anymore! talk about an X-post.
We always have to guard food from wandering students. It's not so much fun.