Huh. I didn't have a problem with clothing, but I went through a period where, for no good reason, my lips and tongue would swell. I assumed it was an allergy. It never got to the throat-closure point, although once or twice I could feel my throat constricting just a bit. I was working retail at that time, and told my manager--wrote, actually--that I could work, I just couldn't answer phones. Her eyes bugged out, but I assured her that if it got worse I'd leave and go straight to hospital (two blocks away), that it had happened before, etc.
I think the first time it may have been triggered by being overwhelmed by the scenting agents for a candle shop, because that's where it happened first. I finally figured out, though, that after that it happened whenever I suddenly got overwhelmingly angry or scared. Not dealing well with unpleasant surprises. After I realized that, it stopped happening. Human bodies can do freaky things.