Sigh. Tom's annoyed at me. We've both not been drinking for a few weeks now, but tonight I went to a hotel showcase thingie for area event planners, and they had Veuve Cliquot at the bar - for free - as well as a gorgeous Chablis.
The reason I decided to stop drinking was that I was drifting away from being able to have fun without drinking in a social situation, and I wanted to go through social situations for a couple months, at least, just to make sure I could separate the fun and the drinking.
Which I firmly believe I still did tonight. I savored a glass of Veuve (yum!) when I arrived, had a bunch of yummy food, switched to sparkling water and cranberry juice with lime (yum!) for a while, ate dessert, drank a nice cup of coffee, chilled out all full, and then a couple hours after the champagne, I had a glass of the Chablis while watching the bellydancer, and it was so lovely (the wine *and* the bellydancer). I savored that for a while, and had a glass or two of nice refreshing water (definitely needed after so much rich food).
It wasn't about the booze or the "social lubricants". I'd eaten so much food, I really felt no effect whatsoever from the alcohol. It was about the tastes. But when I try explaining that, I can see Tom thinking I'm just making excuses to cover up my precious precious drinking. (which... no. If I'd wanted to do that, I wouldn't have told him in the first place)
I hate, that for the rest of my life, every decision to drink or not drink will be analyzed and reasoned, and allowed or disallowed. I wish that wine (especially champagne and chablis) and microbrew beers and single malt whiskeys weren't so delicious.