I also don't photograph well. I think my personality is a huge sleight of hand for the package.
Same here. For every good photo taken of me, there are eighty squillion ones where I have no chin (or three chins), am making a strange squinchy face, have my mouth open, or look wider than I am tall.
I have friends who are very talented photographers, so I have extra help if I want really good pictures taken.
Oh, Nora. What a sucky day. I'm sorry.
Thanks, Ginger. I blame the snow. It makes everything (especially me) 20% more hysterical.
Oooh, poor Nora. I hope your night gets better.
{{{Nora}}} I get upset over things like that, too, especially if I'm in the least tired or my hormones or blood sugar are even a tiny hair away from optimum.
I've tried to teach myself to look at pictures of myself the way other people do. Because how often does that happen - you show someone a really cute picture of themselves and they wail and want to sink into the ground. If they go into detail - all the little things they point out, your eyes just glossed over looking at the picture as a whole. And I think we all do that. If you look at a picture of yourself, your eyes pick out all the little elements and don't quite see the whole. You don't look at pictures of your friends that way. So I try (that's try, mind) to keep that in mind when I'm getting ill looking at a picture of myself.
Using Harvey as a wrist rest to send purr-vibes to Nora.
It is Harvey's goal in life to give love and comfort.
I tense up when somebody's taking photographs. I take bad photographs so I tense up so the photographs are bad and around and around and around it goes.
So much better...shower and haircut.