Huh. I thought the whole "good side" thing was a myth. People really have a "good" side? I like both my sides.
You have a very symmetrical face. Rex Harrison's good side was so much better than his bad side that entire film productions were oriented around shooting him only from the good side. Same with Norma Shearer (though that had to do more with her slightly crossed eyes).
When you landed on your face which side did you land on?
My right, which was a remarkable act of perspicacity considering how tipsy I was.
How much better is it than your bad side?
Not by much, although with the addition of the scar to the bad side, it's gone up a bit. It has to do with symmetry and how the features line up.
I watch Paris Hilton pose EXACTLY THE SAME WAY time after time and think she must look insanely bad from any other angle
She's fairly symmetrical, isn't she? I think she's just trying to look as gamine as possible.
Rex Harrison's good side was so much better than his bad side that entire film productions were oriented around shooting him only from the good side. Same with Norma Shearer (though that had to do more with her slightly crossed eyes).
For real? But....everyone I know looks good from either side.
I've never actually thought about it before, but it's got to be my right side. All my visible chicken pox scars, plus the scar from where I fell out of bed and hit the baseboard heater as a 2-year-old, are on the left, and my right eyebrow has a slightly better natural shape.
I thought the whole "good side" thing was a myth. People really have a "good" side?
While it is possible that all my pictures look as bad as those from that horrible INS angle, I refuse to consider them. They were consistently (and in the same way, if you see the semantic distinction) horrible to me, no matter who was taking them. Other pics I can dislike or like, but most of them don't horrify me the same way.
Of course, I never think of it when a camera's pointing at me, so it's not useful information.
I read something (I feel a google coming on) that Gael Garcia Bernal was purposefully filmed from different sides for one of his recent movies, because of the different effect each side gave.
I'll be back.
Any low angle is bad for me. It makes me look bloated and scary. And you can see the fact that my nostrils are not symmetrical (a small thing that drives me bugfuck about my nose).
I always look better when the camera is hovering just above my eye level.
For real? But....everyone I know looks good from either side.
I saw a fashion magazine once do a piece on the faces of models. They'd composite a picture of the right side of the face, then flip the negative and do the right side over on the left side. They'd show the regular face, two lefts, two rights and it was
how much somebody like Christy Turlington's face would change. Bilateral symmetry is one of the things we intuitively see as "beauty" - from an evolutionary standpoint it's understood because asymmetry often connotes disease or injury.
Anyway, perfectly symmetrical features are rare. Though she doesn't appeal to me much, Kim Basinger's features were legendarily symmetrical (among Hollywood makeup artists).
Almodovar thought he was perfect to play both male and female in Bad Education because of his modest height and slight stature.
Not to mention, HAWT. As either gender.
In order to get a perfectly symmetrical human face, you need Photoshop, and the results are creepy and unnatural looking. So it's not surprising that most people have a "good" side. I've got no idea which mine is, though.