Raquel, that does suck. Sometimes B-H contractions can be pretty severe. Their official description is that they are painless so I called the painful ones false labor, to differentiate in my own head. I don't know why, but that helped. And yeah, I had lots of those.
Boys are fun. I'm glad you're having a boy. Unfortunately, relatives are strange creatures who only sometimes give us the support we need.
Many congratulations Hil!
extra-strength job~ma to Karl.
Yay for D&D, and a home and pain-relief for BT.
Timelies. I'm behind in all my work and the babies are evil. IOW, nothing new here.
Which in a way was better than the reaction of the second-to-last grandparent: "Oh, you're having a boy? I wanted a girl." and no communication since.
Raquel, I hear you, although I got the exact opposite response (re: gender). Perhaps I should offer to FIL that we switch. I didn't know you were having a boy - that's cool. I'm not asking about names because I get asked that question
every fricking day
and I have no answer yet.
{{Raquel}} damn that's harsh.
Raquel, my sympathies. That doesn't sound like fun at all.
ION, I fucking hate Windows XP. That is all.....
Thanks guys - as problems go, mine are not on the level with, say, some guy living in my house for 5 months while I'm overseas. But, you know, family. Can't live with 'em, can't kill 'em.
Nonian, we've adopted govie-speak and call the kid FNU (first name unknown) most of the time. I know I've wailed about this here before, but choosing a name seems like one of the biggest responsibilities possible!
I did dream a couple weeks ago that we'd named the sprog Mortimer Firefox, but I've sworn to not name my child anything I'd name a D&D character.
(((Raquel))) Oh, that's so tough. I'm right now restraining myself from e-mailing my cousin in Nea Kifissia; he'd send his mother straight over to fuss over you, rub your feet and shoulders, make you a big steaming pot of something nourishing and tell you that you're having exactly the right baby for you. Because
how people should be treating you. I am so sorry.
P-C, "The Team" is also known as Amway, if that clears things up. That link breaks it down, but yeah, pyramid-y is a good summary. It's legal, but icky. And it's not a way to make big bucks, either:
In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission requires Amway to label its products with the message that 54% of Amway recruits make nothing and the rest earn on average $65 a month.
(And I owe you email. Soon! Ish...)
I know I've wailed about this here before, but choosing a name seems like one of the biggest responsibilities possible!
Oh, thank goodness I'm not the only one. I've been a little freaked out about finding the right name. It's our first "parenting decision" and it seems huge. I don't want to screw it up.
We had our puppy for about 3 days and couldn't think of a name. I was feeling like the worst dog-owner ever. Then, as I was falling asleep, "Toby" popped into my head and we knew that was the right name. I'm hoping the same thing happens here, although I'd prefer it be before she's born.
Mortimer Firefox
Hee. Love it. You know that one's going to stick, don't you?
Mortimer Firefox
Better than Harold Internet Explorer.