If they won't let you look with out a code - I am guessing legit is a wishy-washy word .
Well, I have the code. I went to the freaky meeting where everyone was smiling and happy and telling me how great everything was. One of my classmates recruited me. I missed
Gilmore Girls
! But I got a Coke.
Apparently they're hooked up with ibm.com, circuitcity.com, barnesandnoble.com, and such.
Nonononono. Stay far away. Seriously. They will ask for money, upon which you will supposedly make zillions and buy mansions, and it's a scam. A pyramid scheme, most prob.
Nonononono. Stay far away. Seriously. They will ask for money, upon which you will supposedly make zillions and buy mansions, and it's a scam. A pyramid scheme, most prob.
Yeah, I know. It's just weird because, you know, my classmate here is pretty enthusiastic about it all. As were all these other people. It's just so...freaky. And sad, that they would all get together to LIE TO ME.
Our bedroom window looks out on the neighbor house driveway. Mr. Neighbor starts his car three minutes before my alarm goes off. Damn, the man is punctual.
Still, it's better than the previous neighbors, who, without fail, every day, drove off somewhere roughtly every five hours. 2 AM being one of those times and 6:30 ish AM being another. They were never gone long. Also, one day their car was a different color and they were both both blondes. As they left one evening, I looked up from my book and asked Hubby, "Should we tell the cops they're runners?" "We don't have proof. Besides, they're stupid, they'll get arrested sooner or later."
Not that stupid, they beat the cops by half a day, disappearing in the middle of the night. Hubby chatted with the cops the next day. People look at us funny in our neighborhood, but no cops have ever had to come to our house. The nice, sweet, polite, young couples, though ...
P-C, they're not necessarily lying to you - it's very easy to convince yourself you've found the wave of the future or whatever and genuinely want to bring other people into it. Doesn't mean it's a good idea, though. I'd be very, very wary of this.
Joining enthusiastically in the Hil-congratulations. That's a splendid grade there, Hil. I look forward to hearing your further adventures in grad school.
(Yes, women who know more about mathematics than I do still make me swoony. I just don't want to creep out poor Hil, who's never been anything but nice to me.)
Congrats to Hil and Erin!
Tons and tons and even more tons of job~ma for Karl!!!
Sending Karl's perfect job~ma out to the ether!
Sunil! Congratulations on the article. Even I could understand it.
Now, listen to me and stay far, far away from the pyramid scheme. Enthusiasm does not put food in your belly or pay your rent.
connie! I'm going to be in SLC in May--the 18th through the 21st I believe. (The info is at work and hasn't been entered into my iPaq yet.)
Edited to send insane amounts of perfect job~ma Karl's way.
Oodles and Oodles of job-ma to you. Karl.