So ... there's a police helicopter overhead. And someone needs to come out with their hands up. The police can see this person and they are surrounded.
Goes without saying, but I just shut and locked all of my doors.
I don't think they are nearer than a half mile to me, and as the nice policeman is projecting, the police have surrounded the perp -- but that megaphone-y thing makes it sound like they are in my backyard.
My neighborhood seemed a lot safer before I was aware of this crime stuff.
I love the wide, multistrand Victorian-looking ones; I imagine Jilli has a few.
I love ornate jewelry.
Eeep! Scary, Cass! I used to live next door to a crack dealer; I felt like I was an extra on COPS.
Keep us posted.
I luvre my chocker collection. I think a lot of it has to do with my height--I don't think I pull off long necklaces very well, and shorter necklaces don't tend to fall right on me.
ETA: Holy crap! Cassie, honey, please be careful.
Cass, I'm very sorry that I brought the crime into your life. Wait. I'm now choosing to blame billytea.
I like chokers, but, on me, only when worn pretty high. And simpler is better. I tend to find ornate jewelry overwhelming, most of the time (once again, on me. On other people, I'm fan). This may be why I only wear a watch, most of the time...
How tall are you? I'm 5'4" (almost) but I'm a big girl; I can pull off chunky necklaces and huge earrings.
D'you know, I'm having a problem with my work wardrobe, because I have almost ALL v-necks, and I have no "this is too low-cut" filter; my copp teacher today said I looked nice today, and I should wear more slacks, because they are so practical for teaching...but these are my ONLY pair of non-jean slacks! I have almost all skirts! I was sitting on a stool, talking, yesterday, and I think some boys in last hour were trying to look up my (knee-length, erfectly modest) skirt. I just stood up and didn't mention it.
I thought skirts were sweetly old-fashioned! Am I wrong?
Debet, I can wear enough jewelry to strangle a moose...but watches make me bugshit.
I need to get me a nice choker. I love them, yet have none.
Cass! What did you DO?
Erin, I am just over 5' and somewhat scrawny.
Edit: Case in point, I cannot find a watch that fits.
I like chokers, but, on me, only when worn pretty high. And simpler is better.
The metal one that you had on at the F2F looked great.
I like chokers, but, on me, only when worn pretty high. And simpler is better. I tend to find ornate jewelry overwhelming, most of the time (once again, on me. On other people, I'm fan). This may be why I only wear a watch, most of the time...
Me too. Generally, my jewelry is a watch and sometimes a mezuzah necklace. I always think that I should wear jewelry more often, because I've got a bunch of nice things, but I usually forget when I'm actually getting dressed.