Oh, poor poor Kristin. I hope the coffee fairy finds you. That's a world of wrong that you don't have time to get coffee.
I kept Ben and Chris home from school, today. Every town around us, (save one other crackpot town to our northwest) has canceled school again. This is right and proper, as this storm is like the 5th biggest storm we've ever gotten, here. Ever. Our town? 90 minute delay. Now, on days when there is a delay, there is no kindergarten. So Julia would be home anyhow.
Chris's teacher (and it's just her--she runs the school from her home) was due to deliver her third child 3 days ago, and is already at 4 cm. I called her last night, and she said she was opening, because she's scheduled to be induced tomorrow. I laughed and laughed (and laughed and laughed and laughed--she's a very old friend) and told her that's okay, I was going to pass. She'll have the woman there with her, who is going to fill in for her for a couple of weeks, but still.
Had I sent Ben and Chris, this is what my day would have looked like:
- Take Chris to school at 8:30
- Take Ben to school at 10:15
- Pick up Chris at 12:30
- Pick up Ben at 2:45
Our side streets are still a mess. Chris's school is clear on the other side of town. Ben's is just a couple of blocks away, but the sidewalks aren't plowed, and the school is at the end of a short (~4 houses on either side) cul-de-sac, and the Principal has forbidden us from dropping off children in the circle, when there's been snow. There are hardly any parking spaces, even when everything is clear.
I called in Ben, and left a message on the machine. We're supposed to state a reason, so I said he wasn't going, "because school should have been canceled." This, of course, will do no good, and not fall on the ears that need to hear it, but...yeah.
Oh, poor poor Kristin. I hope the coffee fairy finds you. That's a world of wrong that you don't have time to get coffee.
Cindy, you inspired me. I'm in my plan period, so I snuck out of the building, got coffee, and came back.
Now I'm making Gollum noises and cuddling it close.
You go, girl. You can't not have coffee, if you're a coffee drinker. And you really can't face kids coffee-less, if you're a coffee drinker.
I agree!
I also just submitted my first semester grades and finished all my prep for classes today. I'm all caught up with my grading right this second! I had to say that quietly because it so rarely ever happens. Don't want to jinx myself. Anyway, my first class starts in about ten minutes, and I'm ready. I have my "Morning Mix" playing--which is designed to wake me up and get me going--and I'm snarfing coffee. I should be good.
It sounds like you made smart decisions about keeping your kiddos home today, too. Go us and our healthy decisions!
Cindy, that does sound very smart.
Kristin, I'm glad you got coffee. I'm gonna make some when I come back from a little swim...we have to check out at noon...Emily's still sleeping...I figure one more quick swim will be nice. Then coffee...mmmm...coffee.
I actually don't have anything until quarter to 11 today, but I'm teaching at 8 on Thursday, so I'm trying to get up a bit earlier each day so that waking up in time for that won't feel really early. My brain really doesn't function at 8 in the morning.
I have my "Morning Mix" playing--which is designed to wake me up and get me going
What is your favorite song off your "Morning Mix"?
YAY for Kristin's coffee. Not a fan myself but I do love caffine.
Can anyone give me the link to the cat stacking game, I want to show it to a co worker (and yes we really should be doing work).
I like Springsteen or BNL.
Not a mix, but...
Sometimes Janis(those usually turn out to be tough days in retrospect)