Does anyone have any great ideas for low-carb food to bring onto a plane?
Beef jerky. String cheese. Peanut butter on celery. (Remember, you can't take any fruits or vegetables into another country.)
I made finally found a recipe that makes hot and sour soup that tastes like restaurant hot and sour soup, AIFG. Go team me. Team me really ought to clean up the kitchen before bed, though.
Does anyone have any great ideas for low-carb food to bring onto a plane?
Low-carb Pria bars/Powerbars/similar.
Skipping 400ish posts to say: Thanks for all the birthday wishes!
Yes. We've just finished cleaning up the blood.
Didn't have to go to that much trouble for little old me. When y'all throw a party, y'all throw a party.
Dunno who's asking about low-carb snacks, but if you haven't tried the truly low-carb energy bars - unless you have a serious hankering for chocolate flavored sawdust with a little wax thrown in for texture, you might consider walnuts or almonds a better choice. The individual-serving String Cheese is another option. Some of the sugar-free chocolate candies might make a reasonable choice depending on just how low carb you are going. Maybe some jerky?
still think eliza looks good. thats all....
nope , one more thing- accidently ate dinner at Deb's house today. lamb, salmon....mmm.....
I have a shiny new rice cooker. I'd forgotten how much I missed having a rice cooker.
Eliza looks like Madeline Stowe. And why am I giggling at the thought she's wearing a cross?
Hi Lee. How's the LA life?
Good, but sleepy, and I really should get to bed. How are things with you?
eta: in fact, I am going to, but I hope things are good with you.