Hm, an ex-neighbor is selling their house for not an outrageous sum of money. It's nice- excellent yard action, small but nice single family house in Somerville. Across the street from my old apartment, where my best friend currently lives!
Sigh. Couldn't they have waited to put it up for sale in another 4-5 months?
Couldn't they have waited to put it up for sale in another 4-5 months?
Inconsiderate bastards!!
t waves
Morning all. No more snow fell here. The East coasters took it all.
Ginger, thank you very much!!!
Nora, is there no way you could pull it off now?
Do it now, Nora! Or at least give it a try.
Morning. Weird to hear of those of you who got the actual amount of snow promised--it did seem to snow a little more last night, but still not all that much--the biggest issue is probably that although the streets are clear-ish, they're wet, so they may freeze icy.
I really need to get off the couch and do laundry, though.
Do it now, Nora! Or at least give it a try.
I figured I ought to do something useful with today, so I cleaned about half my kitchen (stove, outside of refridgerator, and floor.) The counter and sink and microwave might be this afternoon. I also tried to take a walk, but a lot of places didn't shovel (the Bosnian embassy, and several federal buildings), so I couldn't really walk in the direction I wanted to, and the other directions are kind of boring, so the walk wasn't very long.
Damn those Bosnians!
Ginger, thank you very much!!!
I hope your dumplings work out. Biscuits and dumplings are both tricksy things.
t Still not here. Must go back to removing commas.
Jen, if you read this today, drop a post to let us know that you're in one piece?
Nora is the sweetest.
So I woke up at 5 am, ready to brave the wilds of Somerville, and I saw that the snow was up past my knees and the road hadn't been plowed. I was planning to walk to the nearest T stop (about a mile away; it wouldn't have been fun) but I couldn't have done that without developing hypothermia.
So I called work and said all that. They said, hang tight for a little while and try again.
So I woke up again at 7 am, and it was the same story. Not possible to walk a mile, no way, no how.
I tried once more at 9 am and still there was no way I was going to be able to walk a mile down to the T. I said that if the National Guard wanted to come pick me up, I was ready to go, but otherwise I wasn't moving. They said, "Stay there," so I did, with "there" being defined as "in bed with the cat."
I could probably go in now, but there's another person who does my job scheduled to be there from 3-11, and she lives easy walking distance from the hospital. I wash my hands of it, particularly since I offered to sleep at the hospital last night so I'd be there in the morning and they said "no thanks."