Betsy, my grandmother (the Anglican half) once said that my mother's family were the people who sat around English country houses in the 1930s, discussing the Jewish question, and my father's family, bless their hearts, were the Jewish question. (edit: if that's not clear, my grandmum adored my father and his family and she was a nazi hunter. NOT a privilege fan.)
Why yes, I do want to beat all these privileged morons to death with wet ropes, thank you.
Jess has the hottest of hot haircuts, she does. But I'm loving mine, now that I've sort of figured out how David got it to look that way.
I need information about Kenya in 1954. It's driving me bonkers. I want to put a movie production at the foot of Mt. Meru, with a dinner party that ahs disastrous consequences years later, and I need to know what was happening politically, and my googling is more like gurgling.
Great cut Jessica! I'm so glad you managed to get it done before your trip. Have fun.
DH finished much of the kids meals. They never really ate baby food. Finishing kids food added many pounds to his frame.
Kicky hair-do! Very, very nice. And, sorry, but it doesn't make you look 20 years younger.
I need to know what was happening politically,
1950s Kenya pings "Mau Mau uprising" but not much else for me. The wikipedia article [link] has some book references at the end that might help.
Deb, here's something I found on the BBC site which should give you clues as to where to look next.
Deb, wasn't Kenya still a part of, or called British East Africa in 1954?
And, sorry, but it doesn't make you look 20 years younger.
t sobs
No, wait --
t cheers!
Thanks for the lovely words, everyone. I've got a cab coming at 5 am tomorrow, so I must now be off to bed. Goodnight!
Woo hoo, sj! Hopefully some of your luck will rub off on me.