Heh. Your housemate is cracking me up, lisah. It does souind like a hot good-smeling bath would help. As is so often the case.
I took a Jasmine Fairy Bomb bath on New Years Eve thinking I wanted to be sparkly to go out (Thanks Lee!). I didn't go out, but being sparklyis its own reward, sometimes. And continuing to find sparkles everywhere (on me, on DH, on the furniture) nearly two weeks later is most amusing.
I am usually pretty nice to other people when I am PMS-y and reserve all the vitriol for the voices in my head.
Robin, snipe at us. We're much more likely to forgive you than the voices in your head. Unlike them, we're convinced you're a good person.
If anyone comes up with an answer for the gas thing, tell all of us. I think mine is left over from the stomach-flu-like thing I had this weekend, but it's a good thing I live alone. And don't smoke.
I overslept, which is probably a good thing because I've been staying up too late not finishing stuff. I can't seem to wake up, though, and I still have a lot more stuff to not finish.
I think most of my state is a flood plain.
I think I'd underestimated the power of the Lush. I'm trying to talk myself out of using my Kissletoes bath bomb today, because then I won't have anymore until my next fun day in Boston. I think I'm ok with that, though, because its cold and snowy and I want to.
I understand the addiction now. There's just so much that sounds good- I want to sample and find my one true favorite.
I adore my supervisor. Annual review today. And all she talked about was the actual numbers. Nothing about sneaking onto the Net--and she sits right next to me!--nothing about nothing else. I adore her. Of course, by the numbers, I could do a little better (see above re: net), but that's utterly within my own control. I love being treated like a grown-up.
Evidently there is a store in DC so housemate is planning a brunch/Lush road trip right now.
Yay, connie.
Healing, pain diminishing vibes for Robin, lisah, Nora and Ginger.
She called me dedicated! And she appreciates that I always show up and do what I'm supposed to do!
Maybe she's not paying attention? Who cares!
Congrats, connie!! My review is in the next week, and I suspect it will not be nearly as glowing.