Oh, Laura, ick. Sorry you had to endure her, and you get a big shiny gold star, or possibly a Lush glitterbug, for not clocking her one.
Diamond shoes is indeed Friends, and because Chandler was my very first woobie I can state with some certainty that it was the episode in which Ross was dating Julie but still carrying a torch for Rachel and had just found out for the first time that Rachel loved him. And he was whining about it, and Chandler said, "Oh, wah wah wah! Two beautiful women are in love with me and I don't know what to do, and, and, and my diamond shoes are too tight and my wallet's too small to hold all these fifties!" It's not only a perfect First World Problems whine, it's right up there with Lindsey's plastic hand as Best TV Snark Ever.
I thought that was the ep, JZ.
WHY will these gas pains not go away???!?!
Nora, have you taken anything for them? Simethecone is our friend. Gas-Ex is very useful at times like these.
Gas-Ex has not been working. Or it has and this is reduced pain.
t shudder
I envy you your gift of changing the subject, Laura, though not the circumstances. Yeesh.
Cindy, if you're around, I'm still working on this stuff for you. I'm on page 5 :). Hopefully I'll have it for you today.
Nora! I have a vague idea that you were in my dream last night, which I do not remember.
Gah. Just got an email promo from the company listing last date of Sale as this Monday. Two days ago they changed it to the 23rd. I thought they'd use email because it was more timely?
I envy you your gift of changing the subject, Laura, though not the circumstances.
Can't argue with a crazy person. Since I can't disrupt family harmony by saying what I want to her you people get to listen. This is a Haitian woman married to a white man who bitches constantly about how people judge her and are so bigoted. You would think someone who is exposed to prejudice would be more sensitive to bigotry to other groups. Sorry, I forgot sane logic does not apply. Family! She is lucky I am a peaceful person.
{{Nora}} Sorry about the pain. Are you sure it is just gas? been spending too much time in hospital lately with MIL