I envy you your gift of changing the subject, Laura, though not the circumstances.
Can't argue with a crazy person. Since I can't disrupt family harmony by saying what I want to her you people get to listen. This is a Haitian woman married to a white man who bitches constantly about how people judge her and are so bigoted. You would think someone who is exposed to prejudice would be more sensitive to bigotry to other groups. Sorry, I forgot sane logic does not apply. Family! She is lucky I am a peaceful person.
{{Nora}} Sorry about the pain. Are you sure it is just gas? been spending too much time in hospital lately with MIL
timelies I am awake even though I had to wake up and worry about the washer and wonder where the laundromat is.
Cindy, if you're around, I'm still working on this stuff for you. I'm on page 5 :). Hopefully I'll have it for you today.
vw, please don't stress yourself out, doing it though, okay. This isn't a deadline. It is a non-crucial favor. Whenever you get a chance, I will be glad for it.
Just taking Sophia's advice on repeating a comment to myself helped keep one at bay this morning. Also? I need to remember to breathe. I rush, and don't breathe while I'm rushing, and work myself right into my tizzies.
vw, please don't stress yourself out, doing it though, okay. This isn't a deadline. It is a non-crucial favor. Whenever you get a chance, I will be glad for it.
Oh, I'm not...stressing that is...I just want to help. I'll get it to you when I can.
Okay, as long as you're not otherwise busy. I really appreciate it.
Are you sure it is just gas?
Well, I went to the doctor when it kicked in for like 3+ days last year (combined with menstrual cramps OMGWTF), and she didn't seem very concerned. Then again, this was a crappy doctor. I've switched, and when I see the new doctor again, I'll ask about it again.
Today I have the lovely lovely PMS and am having the big hate-on for myself. I am usually pretty nice to other people when I am PMS-y and reserve all the vitriol for the voices in my head. But at least no horrendous gas pains, which I do sometimes get, and which SUCK.
I brought a Lush gift box back from Hawaii for my bath-loving housemate to thank her for taking care of the animals and I have created a LUSH ADDICT. She wants to order Lush for all our friends and order a crate of those mmmmelt things.
I wonder why they don't have a store in the area? She could singlehandedly support them.
In other news (except not really because surely a hot, good smelling bath would help) I done fell out while running yesterday morning. I took a dive on the concrete sidewalk. I knew it would happen eventually and I'm lucky I didn't break, or sprain, or twist anything but boy am I sore today! My arms feel like I did a million pushups yesterday and my poor left boob. yow.
Heh...Lush Lover housemate just said "i don't think i would like all of their stuff, but the stuff which i like i like 110%...that's right, i said it, just like a professional athlete or a motivational speaker. 110%!"