Also, WRT to SAT scores-- does anyone know when the scoring changed.
I'm pretty sure it was sometime between when my sister took them and when I did, so between 1994 and 1998, approximately. When I took them, the new scores were reported as "760R" or whatever.
Cindy, the axiety was not what prompted the AD's. My AD of choice just also happens to have anti-axiety properties. The AD's were from he times I would not be able to work because I I would cry so much in the shower that I would just sit down in the tub and bawl, and then not go to work, daily. I am what my doctor calls a "lifer"-- the minute I go off, I am like this again. I am on a REALLY llow dose, and I am normal. I have abig old family history, too.
My point being, if you can control it, I don't think my experience with drugs needs to be youurs. I am just happy to be a part of the first fully functional generation of my family, without, you know, trips to have electro-sonvulsive therapy.
I took the ACT. I think my average score was a 28. Or maybe a 26. Something like that. I don't understand the SAT scoring, so all of the numbers today are like a different language to me.
I have new hair! And tomorrow I dye it. I'll take pictures then and post them.
Cindy, I have some ideas for you. I'll put them together and either post them or e-mail them to you.
My family has a history of depression too, Sophia. Right now, I am depressed, but I think it is situational, between my neck acting up, and because the anxiety has been so oppressive. I just feel like I need a break with those two things, and the depression would float away. I've been talking to my older cousins. A few have a history of anxiety striking in their 30s (I'm 37, and the baby cousin), and it sounds nearly identical to what is going on with me. I suspect hormones.
I am just happy to be a part of the first fully functional generation of my family, without, you know, trips to have electro-sonvulsive therapy.
I'm so glad it is working for you.
Thanks Hil, for the SAT info!
Thanks, vw. I was looking at your description of your homework the other day, and thinking maybe I should do something like that.
My SAT scores were very skewed as well, 790 in verbal and a total score of around 1200 if memory serves me, so what's that...410 in the math...yeah, not so hot there.
I have no clue what my SAT scores were. They weren't awful, but I guess not fantastic. There are times I wonder if I could find out what they were...
so what's that...410 in the math...yeah, not so hot there.
Hee. Hey, you must have gotten one right.
I never could figure out the scoring. I also can't remember my scores. I was a National Merit Commended Scholar from my PSAT results. I think those were 650 English and 560 Math. I think my regular SATS were higher (I took them junior and senior year), but I can't remember for the life of me. I also took the Achievements, but can't remember them at all. Why can't these people just score on a scale of 1 to 100?
Gulp. This is a tough room. I got 1250 on my SAT's and was happy about it. Ah well, life is cool when you are happy being average.
Oh Nora, I so didn't mean to come off that way. Everyone above me was posting these incredibly high scores, and I started to think...
Sorry, sweetie.